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How to disable paging on a kendogrid

We are using a Kendo grid. I created a table in my cshtml file and in my js file, I bind it to the data. My problem here is that the grid paging does not go away. I need all the items on the page since we don't expect much load. I tried removing the pageable attribute and I tried marking pageable: false. But I still see that the grid displays only 10 items in one page and gives the paging.

By using this.pager.element.hide(), we can hide the pager but that does not solve the purpose since the pager is hidden but the paging is still being done. So, now, the elements starting 11th element oare on th enext page but we wont be able to navigate to it.

Here is the existing code. I have removed the irrelevant columns in the table. .CSHTML File:

 <table style="width: 100%;" class='list-entity' id='inboxItems'>
                        <th data-field='Actions' class="iconCell" style='width: 1%'>&nbsp;</th>

JS File:

    var settings = {
        kendosettings: {
            dataSource: {
                data: requestItemsList,
                schema: {
                    // required if get method will be used
                    model: {
                        id: "StepApproverKey"
                group: [
                        field: "GroupByAttribute",
                        dir: "asc",
                            { field: "GroupByAttribute", aggregate: "count" }]
            sort: { field: "SubmittedOn", dir: "desc" },
            sortable: true,
            pageable: false,
            scrollable: false,
            columns: [
                    field: "Actions",
                    title: "Actions",
                    template: kendo.template($("#inboxrowEditTemplate").html())
                { field: "StepApproverKey", hidden: true },
                    field: "GroupByAttribute",
                    hidden: true,
                    groupHeaderTemplate: kendo.template($("#inboxrowgroupHeaderTemplate").html()),
                    headerAttributes: {
                        style: "width: 100%"
            selectable: "row",
like image 735
Feroz Avatar asked Aug 05 '13 23:08


People also ask

How do I get rid of paging in kendo grid?

By default, the pager visibility will be true, which means that the pager is always visible in Grid even when the total amount of items in the datasource is less than a pageSize. The Pager will be hidden when the total amount of items in the datasource is less than pageSize, by setting pager visibility as false.

2 Answers

I posted this on Kendo forum and it seems the only way we can resolve it is to dynamically set the page size of the grid and then hide the pager. In our case, since we want all the items on single load, we set it to the length of the list being sent to the client. Below is the code I used and it's working.

var inboxGrid = $('#inboxItems').data("kendoGrid");
inboxGrid.dataSource.pageSize(<NUMBER OF ITEMS IN THE LIST>);
inboxGrid.bind("dataBound", function () {
like image 53
Feroz Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 17:11



inboxGrid.bind("dataBound", function () {

did not work for me. Maybe because I'm using Razor and MVC to display the grid, or perhaps because we're using Bootstrap for the CSS, I don't know. But so I did this, instead:

var inboxGrid = $('#inboxItems').data("kendoGrid");
like image 2
vapcguy Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 18:11
