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How to disable open browser in CRA?

People also ask

How do I stop my browser from opening a reaction?

You can add the environment variable directly into the scripts section of your package. json file. Notice that we also give the BROWSER environment variable a value of none . This is what tells Create-React-App to not open any browser.

How do I stop NPM from opening my browser?

The solution is to set the environment variable BROWSER to either "none" or "chrome" or whatever browser you need. In order to set it in the same Powershell terminal, use $Env:BROWSER="none" . Now running npm start will not open a new browser window/tab.

What is ejecting CRA?

But the eject command comes with a price. Once you eject, you can't go back and hide the configuration files. You will have to maintain your React app configuration on your own. This means: You need to update the dependencies and ensure its not broken when a new version is released.

Create .env file in the root directory where your package.json file resides. And add the following:


Now run npm start.

Hope it helps :)

Add BROWSER=none to your npm start script in your package.json file, like this:

"scripts": {
  "start": "BROWSER=none react-scripts start",
  "build": "react-scripts build",
  "test": "react-scripts test",
  "eject": "react-scripts eject"

Check out the CRA documentation for more configuration and environment variable options:



In case you're having a 'BROWSER' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file error: do an npm install of cross-env:

npm install --save cross-env

Then, add cross-env BROWSER=none to your start script

"start": "cross-env BROWSER=none react-scripts start",

I suggest doing it at the command level, so you don't have to change any files that get committed.

BROWSER=none npm start

You can add an alias for this to your shell's configuration:

alias myapp-start='cd /path/to/myapp && BROWSER=none npm start'