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How to disable introspection queries with AWS appsync (GraphQL)?

With the compliance we need to remove introspection queries in production for AppSync endpoints. What is the best way to disable introspection queries with AppSync?

I don't see any settings with AppSync.

like image 733
Kannaiyan Avatar asked Dec 27 '19 17:12


People also ask

How do I disable introspection in GraphQL?

If you are using graphql-spring-boot, according to the graphql-java-tools README, you can disable the introspection query by setting the graphql. tools. introspection-enabled property to false in your application.

What is introspection query in GraphQL?

What is it? GraphQL introspection enables you to query a GraphQL server for information about the underlying schema. This includes data like types, fields, queries, mutations, and even the field-level descriptions.

Is GraphQL introspection a vulnerability?

Thing to understand here is that GraphQL like any other REST API is vulnerable to many attacks the same attacks the REST API might be prone to. I'll list some of them below but the most interesting thing and the reason of making this entire post is the infamous Introspection query bug.

Is AppSync a GraphQL?

AWS AppSync is a serverless GraphQL and Pub/Sub API service that simplifies building modern web and mobile applications. AWS AppSync GraphQL APIs simplify application development by providing a single endpoint to securely query or update data from multiple databases, microservices, and APIs.

1 Answers

I used AWS WAF with a rule that blocks any query containing the string __schema, that I then associated with my AppSync endpoint -- which uses OpenID for authentication (re this page: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/appsync/latest/devguide/WAF-Integration.html)

The rule if you want to just copy and paste into the console:

  "Name": "BodyRule",
  "Priority": 5,
  "Action": {
    "Block": {}
  "VisibilityConfig": {
    "SampledRequestsEnabled": true,
    "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled": true,
    "MetricName": "BodyRule"
  "Statement": {
    "ByteMatchStatement": {
      "FieldToMatch": {
        "Body": {}
      "PositionalConstraint": "CONTAINS",
      "SearchString": "__schema",
      "TextTransformations": [
          "Type": "LOWERCASE",
          "Priority": 0

And the CloudFormation definitions:

    Type: AWS::WAFv2::WebACL
      Name: BlockIntrospectionWebACL
        Allow: {}
      Description: Block GraphQL introspection queries
      Scope: REGIONAL
        SampledRequestsEnabled: true
        CloudWatchMetricsEnabled: true
        MetricName: BlockIntrospectionMetric
        - Name: BlockIntrospectionQueries
          Priority: 0
            Block: {}
            SampledRequestsEnabled: true
            CloudWatchMetricsEnabled: true
            MetricName: BlockedIntrospection
                Body: {}
              PositionalConstraint: CONTAINS
              SearchString: __schema
                - Type: LOWERCASE
                  Priority: 0

    Type: AWS::WAFv2::WebACLAssociation
      ResourceArn: !GetAtt AppSyncAPI.Arn
      WebACLArn: !GetAtt AppSyncIntrospectionWebACL.Arn
like image 170
smth Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 22:10
