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AWS Cognito TOKEN Endpoint giving a 400 Bad Request error "unauthorized_client"

Following the documentation from https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/token-endpoint.html after successfully retrieving an authentication code.

As far as I can tell this is exactly how the request is supposed to be setup:

import request from 'request'

function fetchToken(code: any, clientId: string, clientSecret: string) {
  try {
    let tokenEndpoint = `https://example.auth.us-east-1.amazoncognito.com/oauth2/token`
    const clientIdEncoded = Buffer.from(`${clientId}:${clientSecret}`).toString('base64')

      headers: {
        'Authorization':`Basic ${clientIdEncoded}`
      form: {
        //Bad Request
        if(err) {

  } catch (error) {

Why would be getting unauthorized_client? Is there an easier way to debug this?

Edit: tested this in Postman with the same request and getting the same error

Headers Header Body Body

like image 251
Marty Mitchener Avatar asked Sep 22 '19 14:09

Marty Mitchener

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Authenticating with tokensWhen a user signs into your app, Amazon Cognito verifies the login information. If the login is successful, Amazon Cognito creates a session and returns an ID, access, and refresh token for the authenticated user.

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For request parameter-based Lambda authorizers 401 Unauthorized errors usually occur when configured identity sources are missing, null, empty, or not valid. To troubleshoot this type of error, verify the information that must be included in requests to your API by reviewing your Lambda authorizer's configuration.

How do you find the endpoint of a Cognito?

These endpoints are available from https://cognito-idp.REGION.amazonaws.com/USER-POOL-ID. More information about these endpoints is available here.

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Amazon Cognito requires that your redirect URI use HTTPS, except for http://localhost , which you can set as a callback URL for testing purposes. Amazon Cognito also supports app callback URLs such as myapp://example .

1 Answers

Please check if the Cognito User Pool App is using secret key. If you have created with secret key option, that must be included in the Authorization header of the request.

like image 82
Richard Zhan Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 09:10

Richard Zhan