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How to disable Google Slides presentation IFrame navigation

I'm working on a website and am using a presentation as a slideshow for concert images because it is easy and familiar for someone who is not programmatic proficient to edit what is shown during the slideshow. To hide the navigation i used CSS, and placed the IFrame in a div with the class .googleSlideshow.


<div class="googleSlideshow">
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/bL4rGh0Nk/embed?start=true&loop=true&delayms=5000" frameborder="0" width="450" height="550" allowfullscreen="false" mozallowfullscreen="false" webkitallowfullscreen="false"></iframe>

The CSS:

.googleSlideshow iframe{
 width:450px! important;
 height:calc(100% + 29px);

easy enough! here comes the problem: when the IFrame is clicked, the presentation goes to the next slide and pauses! This is terrible, and since this is in an IFrame the components of the IFrame are not able to be effected by my CSS, or script. Is there an attribute I can add to the IFrame that will get passed down to the presentation and stop the image onclick navigation?

like image 739
Johnathan Ralls Avatar asked Apr 16 '15 18:04

Johnathan Ralls

People also ask

How do I hide slide navigation in Google Slides?

To hide a slide in Google Slides, first, select the slide from the slide navigation pane on the left part of the screen. Then, right-click on it and choose the “Skip” option. This will skip or hide your slide when giving the presentation in the present mode.

How do I turn off guides in Google Slides?

Your guides will not be visible in presentation mode, but when you no longer need them you can toggle them on and off by clicking on the ruler and selecting, Show/Hide Guides. If you have more guides than you need, you can remove it by right-clicking on the guide and selecting, Delete Guide.

How do you stop Google Slides from auto advancing when you click on them?

Open a presentation in Google Slides. In the top right corner, click Slideshow . Auto advance options. Choose how quickly to advance your slides.

How do I get rid of the toolbar on Google Slides?

You can choose to minimize the menu bar to free up more space to display your slides. Click the Hide the menus command to hide the menu bar, leaving only the shortcut toolbar at the top of the window. Click it again to show the menu bar again.

1 Answers

Adding rm=minimal

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/bL4rGh0Nk/embed?start=true&loop=true&delayms=5000&rm=minimal" frameborder="0" width="450" height="550" allowfullscreen="false" mozallowfullscreen="false" webkitallowfullscreen="false"></iframe>
like image 142
ineedme Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 01:10
