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How to disable eclipse switching to debug view while debugging

First this is NOT a question about perspectives. I already have the debugging perspective disabled while I'm debugging. My question is about the Debug view (Window -> Show view -> Other -> Debug -> Debug). This view pops up giving you information about threads running and where they are suspended and the like. My problem is that often times I find myself in need of just watching console output while stepping through code for whatever reason. My Console window is anchored in the same region of the eclipse IDE as the Debug view. If I close the debug view down there, I lose the ability to step over / into while stopped on a break point (the hotkeys don't work either, but the application still suspends right where it was when you closed the view). If I have the debug view open, every time I step over / into a method, the screen switches focus from the console back to the debug view. This is exceedingly annoying. How can I disable this?

Edit - I just did some testing, and the Debug view receives focus over anything else that's anchored in the same region as it. Regardless of what the other tabs purpose may be. There might be some exceptions, but surely there is a way to disable this someplace...

I also noticed that it doesn't switch to debug view with every step, in my case it switches when something is written to SDT Out.

One last Edit - I found a work around, it doesn't answer the question I asked but does solve my particular situation. Under Window -> Preferences -> Run/Debug -> Console there are two check boxes for show when program writes to standard out / standard error. If I check those, eclipse will first switch to the Debug view, then immediately switch back to the console.

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Mark W Avatar asked Dec 11 '22 08:12

Mark W

1 Answers

Eclipse's Preferences under Run/Debug? There are two useful options you can change;

  • Activate the workbench when a breakpoint is hit
  • Activate the debug view when a breakpoint is hit

hopefully it will solve your problem. goodlouck

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Sami Alfattani Avatar answered May 15 '23 22:05

Sami Alfattani