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How can i hot-deploy my Java project?

I work in a team of Java developers. We write the code in Eclipse, and then we use maven to build the war. Afterwards we deploy the war in Tomcat.

Is there a free way to autodeploy files on save ?


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user1271955 Avatar asked Dec 12 '22 04:12


1 Answers

JRebel gives you exactly that: auto-deploy files on save, using Eclipse AND Tomcat, but you do have to pay for it.

I recommend JRebel, but a quick glance around for free alternatives brings up this SO question, where someone suggested the Dynamic Code Evolution VM as a similar product.

There is a good article on the different ways to hot-deploy Java web apps here, which also details some of the other approaches already mentioned.

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seanhodges Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 15:12
