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How to disable auto hot reload on flutter?

I have search for this issue and seen solutions, but I am not able to figure out the issue. i get some error because every time write the code, its directly run hot reloads before i finish complete the code. so, how to disable automatic hot reloads in flutter? automatic hot reloads in flutter is so annoying, i just want to use hot reloads base on Ctrl + S. how i do that? i'am using visual studio code by the way.

like image 981
mamena tech Avatar asked Nov 30 '22 21:11

mamena tech

2 Answers

If you are using Android Studio 4.1 go to:

On Mac: Android Studio -> Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> Flutter

On Windows: File -> Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> Flutter

Then, after being at Flutter section, look for "App Execution" and there you have to uncheck the box "Perform hot reload on save". Then click OK and that's it.

Here is how:

Image that shows the process

like image 55
Iván Yoed Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 02:12

Iván Yoed

Disable auto save on VsCode:

Go to File > Preferences > settings

Choose off from the auto save drop down.

like image 32
Marcos Maliki Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 00:12

Marcos Maliki