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How to determine the uncertainty of fit parameters with Python?

I have the following data for x and y:

x   y
1.71    0.0
1.76    5.0
1.81    10.0
1.86    15.0
1.93    20.0
2.01    25.0
2.09    30.0
2.20    35.0
2.32    40.0
2.47    45.0
2.65    50.0
2.87    55.0
3.16    60.0
3.53    65.0
4.02    70.0
4.69    75.0
5.64    80.0
7.07    85.0
9.35    90.0
13.34   95.0
21.43   100.0

For the above data, I am trying to fit the data in the form:


However, there are certain uncertainties associated with x and y, where x has uncertainty of 50% of x and y has a fixed uncertainty. I am trying to determine the uncertainty in the fit parameters with this uncertainties package. But, I am having issues with curve fitting with scipy optimize's curve fit function. I get the following error:

minpack.error: Result from function call is not a proper array of floats.

How do I fix the following error and determine the uncertainty of the fit parameters (a,b and n)?


from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import re
from scipy import optimize, interpolate, spatial
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
from uncertainties import unumpy

def linear_fit(x, a, b):
    return a * x + b

uncertainty = 0.5
y_error = 1.2
x = np.array([1.71, 1.76, 1.81, 1.86, 1.93, 2.01, 2.09, 2.20, 2.32, 2.47, 2.65, 2.87, 3.16, 3.53, 4.02, 4.69, 5.64, 7.07, 9.35, 13.34, 21.43])
x_uncertainty = x * uncertainty
x = unumpy.uarray(x, x_uncertainty)
y = np.array([0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 35.0, 40.0, 45.0, 50.0, 55.0, 60.0, 65.0, 70.0, 75.0, 80.0, 85.0, 90.0, 95.0, 100.0])
y = unumpy.uarray(y, y_error)

n = np.arange(0, 5, 0.005)
coefficient_determination_on = np.empty(shape = (len(n),))
for j in range(len(n)):
    n_correlation = n[j]
    x_fit = 1 / ((x) ** n_correlation)
    y_fit = y
    fit_a_raw, fit_b_raw = optimize.curve_fit(linear_fit, x_fit, y_fit)[0]
    x_prediction = (fit_a_raw / ((x) ** n_correlation)) + fit_b_raw
    y_residual_squares = np.sum((x_prediction - y) ** 2)
    y_total_squares = np.sum((y - np.mean(y)) ** 2)
    coefficient_determination_on[j] = 1 - (y_residual_squares / y_total_squares)
like image 813
Tom Kurushingal Avatar asked Jul 11 '17 05:07

Tom Kurushingal

2 Answers

Following a little the case of a linear function I think it might be done similar. Solving for the Lagrangian, though, seems to be very tedious, while possible of course. A made up a different measure that seems plausible and should give very similar result. Taking the error ellipse I rescale it such that the graph becomes a tangent. I take the distance to that touching point (X_k,Y_k) as measure for chi-square, which is calculated from (x_k-X_k/sx_k)**2+(y_k-Y_k/sy_k)**2. It is plausible as in case of pure y-errors this is the standard least square fit. For pure x-errors it just switches. For equal x,y-errors it would give the perpendicular rule, i.e. shortest distance. With the according chi-square function scipy.optimize.leastsq already provides the covariance matrix approximated from the Hesse. In detail one has to scale it, though. Also note that the parameters are strongly correlated.

My procedure looks as follows:

import matplotlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import myModules.multipoleMoments as mm 
from random import random
from scipy.optimize import minimize,leastsq

###for gaussion distributed errors
def boxmuller(x0,sigma):
    return sigma*z0+x0, sigma*z1+x0

###function to fit
def f(t,c,d,n):
    return c+d*np.abs(t)**n

###to create some test data
def test_data(c,d,n, xList,const_sx,rel_sx,const_sy,rel_sy):
    yList=[f(t,c,d,n) for t in xList]
    xErrList=[ boxmuller(x,const_sx+x*rel_sx)[0] for x in xList]
    yErrList=[ boxmuller(y,const_sy+y*rel_sy)[0] for y in yList]
    return xErrList,yErrList

###how to rescale the ellipse to make fitfunction a tangent
def elliptic_rescale(x,c,d,n,x0,y0,sa,sb):
    return new_a

###for plotting ellipses
def ell_data(a,b,x0=0,y0=0):
    rList=[a/np.sqrt((np.cos(t))**2+(k*np.sin(t))**2) for t in tList]
    xyList=np.array([[x0+r*np.cos(t),y0+r*np.sin(t)] for t,r in zip(tList,rList)])
    return xyList

###residual function to calculate chi-square
def residuals(parameters,dataPoint):#data point is (x,y,sx,sy)
    c,d,n= parameters
    for i in range(len(dataPoint)):
        ###getthe point on the graph where it is tangent to an error-ellipse
        ed_fit=minimize(elliptic_rescale,0,args=(c,d,n,x,y,sx,sy) )
    best_y_List=[f(t,c,d,n) for t in best_t_List]
    ##weighted distance not squared yet, as this is done by scipy.optimize.leastsq
    wighted_dx_List=[(x_b-x_f)/sx for x_b,x_f,sx in zip( best_t_List,theData[:,0], theData[:,2] ) ]
    wighted_dy_List=[(x_b-x_f)/sx for x_b,x_f,sx in zip( best_y_List,theData[:,1], theData[:,3] ) ]
    return wighted_dx_List+wighted_dy_List

###some start values

####some data
yThData=[ f(t, cc,dd,nn) for t in xThData]

###some noisy data
xNoiseData,yNoiseData=test_data(cc,dd,nn, xThData, csx,rsx, csy,rsy)
xGuessdError=[csx+rsx*x for x in xNoiseData]
yGuessdError=[csy+rsy*y for y in yNoiseData]

###plot that
fig1 = plt.figure(1)
ax.errorbar(xNoiseData,yNoiseData, xerr=xGuessdError, yerr=yGuessdError, fmt='none',ecolor='r')

#### and plot...
for i in range(len(xNoiseData)):
    ###...an elliple on the error values
    ax.plot(*zip(*el0),linewidth=1, color="#808080",linestyle='-')
    ####...as well as a scaled version that touches the original graph. This gives the error shortest distance to that graph
    ed_fit=minimize(elliptic_rescale,0,args=(cc,dd,nn,xNoiseData[i],yNoiseData[i],xGuessdError[i],yGuessdError[i]) )
    ax.plot(*zip(*el0),linewidth=1, color="#a000a0",linestyle='-')

###Now fitting
zipData=zip(xNoiseData,yNoiseData, xGuessdError, yGuessdError)    
estimate = [2.0,1,2.5]
bestFitValues, cov,info,mesg, ier = leastsq(residuals, estimate,args=(zipData), full_output=1)
print bestFitValues
####covariance matrix
####note e.g.: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14854339/in-scipy-how-and-why-does-curve-fit-calculate-the-covariance-of-the-parameter-es
s_sq = (np.array(residuals(bestFitValues, zipData))**2).sum()/(len(zipData)-len(estimate))
pcov = cov * s_sq
print pcov

#### and plot the result...
ax.plot(xThData,[f(x,*bestFitValues) for x in xThData])
for i in range(len(xNoiseData)):
    ####...as well as a scaled ellipses that touches the fitted graph. 
    ed_fit=minimize(elliptic_rescale,0,args=(bestFitValues[0],bestFitValues[1],bestFitValues[2],xNoiseData[i],yNoiseData[i],xGuessdError[i],yGuessdError[i]) )
    ax.plot(*zip(*el0),linewidth=1, color="#f0a000",linestyle='-')

#~ ax.grid(None)

enter image description here The blue graph is the original function. The data points with red error bars are calculated from this. A grey ellipse shows the "line of constant probability density". Purple ellipses have the original graph as tangent, orange ellipses have the fit as tangent

Here best fit values are (not your data!):

[ 2.16146783  0.80204967  1.69951865]

Covariance matrix has the form:

[[ 0.0644794  -0.05418743  0.05454876]
 [-0.05418743  0.07228771 -0.08172885]
 [ 0.05454876 -0.08172885  0.10173394]]

Edit Thinking about the "elliptic distance" I believe that this is exactly what the Lagrangian approach in the linked paper does. Only that for a straight line you can write down an exact solution while in this case you cannot.

Update I had some problems with the OP's data. It works with rescaling, though. As slope and exponent are highly correlated, I first had to figure out how the covariance matrix changes for rescaled data. Details can be found in J. Phys. Chem. 105 (2001) 3917

Using the function definitions from above the data treatment would look like:

###some start values

###some noisy data
yNoiseData=np.array([1.71,1.76, 1.81, 1.86, 1.93, 2.01, 2.09, 2.20, 2.32, 2.47, 2.65, 2.87, 3.16, 3.53, 4.02, 4.69, 5.64, 7.07, 9.35,13.34,21.43])

xGuessdError=[csx+rsx*x for x in xNoiseData]
yGuessdError=[csy+rsy*y for y in yNoiseData]

###plot that
fig1 = plt.figure(1)
ax.errorbar(xNoiseData,yNoiseData, xerr=xGuessdError, yerr=yGuessdError, fmt='none',ecolor='r')


print "\n++++++++++++++++++++++++  scaled ++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"
xNoiseDataS   = [   beta*x for x in   xNoiseData   ]
yNoiseDataS   = [   alpha*x for x in   yNoiseData   ]
xGuessdErrorS  = [   beta*x for x in   xGuessdError ]
yGuessdErrorS  = [   alpha*x for x in   yGuessdError ] 

bx.errorbar(xNoiseDataS,yNoiseDataS, xerr=xGuessdErrorS, yerr=yGuessdErrorS, fmt='none',ecolor='r')

###Now fitting
zipData=zip(xNoiseDataS,yNoiseDataS, xGuessdErrorS, yGuessdErrorS)
estimate = [.1,1,7.5]
bestFitValues, cov,info,mesg, ier = leastsq(residuals, estimate,args=(zipData), full_output=1)
print bestFitValues
plt.plot(xtmp,[ f(x,*bestFitValues)for x in xtmp])
####covariance matrix
s_sq = (np.array(residuals(bestFitValues, zipData))**2).sum()/(len(zipData)-len(estimate))
pcov = cov * s_sq
print pcov

#### scale back  
print "\n++++++++++++++++++++++++  scaled back ++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"

realBestFitValues= [bestFitValues[0]/alpha, bestFitValues[1]/alpha*(beta)**bestFitValues[2],bestFitValues[2] ]
print realBestFitValues
uMX = np.array( [[1/alpha,0,0],[0,beta**bestFitValues[2]/alpha,bestFitValues[1]/alpha*beta**bestFitValues[2]*np.log(beta)],[0,0,1]] )
uMX_T = uMX.transpose()
realCov = np.dot(uMX, np.dot(pcov,uMX_T))
print realCov

for i,para in enumerate(["b","a","n"]):
    print para+" = "+"{:.2e}".format(realBestFitValues[i])+" +/- "+"{:.2e}".format(np.sqrt(realCov[i,i]))

ax.plot(xNoiseData,[f(x,*realBestFitValues) for x in xNoiseData])


OP's data So the data is reasonably fitted. I think, however, there is a linear term as well.

The output provides:

++++++++++++++++++++++++  scaled ++++++++++++++++++++++++

[ 0.09788886  0.69614911  5.2221032 ]
[[  1.25914194e-05   2.86541696e-05   6.03957467e-04]
 [  2.86541696e-05   3.88675025e-03   2.00199108e-02]
 [  6.03957467e-04   2.00199108e-02   1.75756532e-01]]

++++++++++++++++++++++++  scaled back ++++++++++++++++++++++++

[1.9577772055183396, 5.0064036934715239e-10, 5.2221031993990517]
[[  5.03656777e-03  -2.74367539e-11   1.20791493e-02]
 [ -2.74367539e-11   8.69854174e-19  -3.90815222e-10]
 [  1.20791493e-02  -3.90815222e-10   1.75756532e-01]]

b = 1.96e+00 +/- 7.10e-02
a = 5.01e-10 +/- 9.33e-10
n = 5.22e+00 +/- 4.19e-01

One can see strong correlation of slope and exponent in the covariance matrix. Also note that the error of the slope is huge.

BTW Using as model b+a*x**n + e*x I get with additional linear term

++++++++++++++++++++++++  scaled ++++++++++++++++++++++++

[ 0.08050174  0.78438855  8.11845402  0.09581568]
[[  5.96210962e-06   3.07651631e-08  -3.57876577e-04  -1.75228231e-05]
 [  3.07651631e-08   1.39368435e-03   9.85025139e-03   1.83780053e-05]
 [ -3.57876577e-04   9.85025139e-03   1.85226736e-01   2.26973118e-03]
 [ -1.75228231e-05   1.83780053e-05   2.26973118e-03   7.92853339e-05]]

++++++++++++++++++++++++  scaled back ++++++++++++++++++++++++

[1.6100348667765145, 9.0918698097511416e-16, 8.1184540175879985, 0.019163135651422442]
[[  2.38484385e-03   2.99690170e-17  -7.15753154e-03  -7.00912926e-05]
 [  2.99690170e-17   3.15340690e-30  -7.64119623e-16  -1.89639468e-18]
 [ -7.15753154e-03  -7.64119623e-16   1.85226736e-01   4.53946235e-04]
 [ -7.00912926e-05  -1.89639468e-18   4.53946235e-04   3.17141336e-06]]
b = 1.61e+00 +/- 4.88e-02
a = 9.09e-16 +/- 1.78e-15
n = 8.12e+00 +/- 4.30e-01
e = 1.92e-02 +/- 1.78e-03

Sure, fits always get better if you add parameters, but I think this looks sort of reasonable here (it might even be that it is b + a*x**n+e*x**m, but this is leading too far.)

like image 109
mikuszefski Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10


Let me first preface this with this problem being impossible to solve "nicely" given that you want to solve for a, b and n. This is because for a fixed n, your problem admits a closed form solution, while if you let n be free, it does not, and in fact the problem may have multiple solutions. Hence classical error analysis (such as that used by uncertanities) breaks down and you have to resort to other methods.

The case n fixed

If n is fixed, your problem is that the libraries you call do not support uarray, so you have to make a workaround. Thankfully, linear fitting (under the l2-distance) is simply Linear least squares which admits a closed form solution, requiring only padding the values with ones and then solving the normal equations.

enter image description here


enter image description here

You could do it like this:

import numpy as np
from uncertainties import unumpy

uncertainty = 0.5
y_error = 1.2
n = 1.0

# Define x and y
x = np.array([1.71, 1.76, 1.81, 1.86, 1.93, 2.01, 2.09, 2.20, 2.32, 2.47, 2.65,
              2.87, 3.16, 3.53, 4.02, 4.69, 5.64, 7.07, 9.35, 13.34, 21.43])
# Take power of x values according to n
x_pow = x ** n
x_uncertainty = x_pow * uncertainty
x_fit = unumpy.uarray(np.c_[x_pow, np.ones_like(x)],
                      np.c_[x_uncertainty, np.zeros_like(x_uncertainty)])

y = np.array([0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 35.0, 40.0, 45.0, 50.0,
              55.0, 60.0, 65.0, 70.0, 75.0, 80.0, 85.0, 90.0, 95.0, 100.0])
y_fit = unumpy.uarray(y, y_error)

# Use normal equations to find coefficients
inv_mat = unumpy.ulinalg.pinv(x_fit.T.dot(x_fit))
fit_a, fit_b = inv_mat.dot(x_fit.T.dot(y_fit))

print('fit_a={}, fit_b={}'.format(fit_a, fit_b))


fit_a=4.8+/-2.6, fit_b=28+/-10

The case n unknown

With n unknown, you really are in some trouble since the problem is non-convex. Here, linear error analysis (as performed by uncertainties) will not work.

One solution is to perform Bayesian inference, using some package like pymc. If you are interested in this, I could try to make a writeup, but it would not be as clean as above.

like image 44
Jonas Adler Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10

Jonas Adler