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How to determine the installed ColdFusion bitness



How can I determine if the installed ColdFusion server is 32 or 64 bit?

I would love to see an answer that solves my problem both from being logged in on the server and programmatically from CFML code.

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Nathan Strutz Avatar asked Aug 29 '12 22:08

Nathan Strutz

1 Answers

Ok, not quite as straight-forward as I thought, but the information is there.

Programmatic Access

In all three CFML engines, you can programmatically access the JVM information via the server scope with Server.Os.Arch. This contains a value such as amd64 for 64-bit, and i386 or x86 for 32-bit systems.

On Railo (but not ACF/OBD) there is also Server.Os.ArchModel which simply contains 64 or 32 as appropriate.

For all three engines you can get this 64/32 value with: createObject('java','java.lang.System').getProperty("sun.arch.data.model")

Server Admin

In CF administrator, if you go to "Server Settings" > "Settings Summary" you can find the "Java VM Name" which contains Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (or equiv for 32 bit).

In OpenBD administrator, select "Server" > "System Info" and the third option contains "Operating System", which includes amd64 on a 64-bit system, along with a link to "JVM properties", where you can find "java.vm.name" and "sun.arch.data.model" containing values for architecture name and bitness.

In Railo administrator, the "Overview" page (when you login) has an "Info" section which includes fields for both OS and JVM, each with either 64bit or 32bit after the version info.

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Peter Boughton Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09

Peter Boughton