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How to determine if the tcp is connected or not?

I have tcpclient object and i want to determine if it's connected or not. i use connected property of tcpclient but it returns the state of last operation. so its not useful.

then i use this code :

bool flag;
flag = (tcp.Client.Poll(10000, SelectMode.SelectWrite));


 if( tcp.Client.Poll( 0, SelectMode.SelectRead ) )
   byte[] buff = new byte[1];
   if( tcp.Client.Receive( buff, SocketFlags.Peek ) == 0 )
     flag = false;

but it does not work properly.

Any idea?

this is my code in server side :

   private ArrayList _ClientList = new ArrayList();

   public ClsServer(int port)
        _TCPListener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, port);

        Thread ListenThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ListenForClients));
        ListenThread.IsBackground = true;

    private void ListenForClients()
        while (true)
            //blocks until a client has connected to the server
            TcpClient client = this._TCPListener.AcceptTcpClient();
            client.ReceiveTimeout = 0;

            //create a thread to handle communication with connected client
            Thread clientThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(HandleClientComm));
            clientThread.IsBackground = true;

    private void HandleClientComm(object client)
            TcpClient tcpClient = (TcpClient)client;               

            int bytesRead;
            string message = "";
            byte[] RecievedPack = new byte[1024 * 1000];

            NetworkStream clientStream = tcpClient.GetStream();
            while (true)
                bytesRead = 0;
                    ////blocks until a client sends a message
                    bytesRead = clientStream.Read(RecievedPack, 0, RecievedPack.Length);
                    int Len = BitConverter.ToInt32(RecievedPack, 0);
                    message = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(RecievedPack, 0, Len);
                catch (Exception er)
                    //When Client is disconnected
                    if (er.GetType() == typeof(IOException))
                //message has successfully been received                          
               // do something

        catch(Exception e)
           // RemoveObject(client);

    private void AddObject(object obj)
        int totalcount, index;
        totalcount = _ClientList.Count;
        index = 0;
        while (index < totalcount)
            TcpClient alcobj = (TcpClient)_ClientList[index];
                if (IPAddress.Equals(((IPEndPoint)alcobj.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Address,
            catch (Exception er)
                if (er.GetType() == typeof(ObjectDisposedException))
                totalcount = _ClientList.Count;

    private void RemoveObject(object obj)
        if (_ClientList.IndexOf(obj) > -1)
            SendClientState(IP, false);

and this is the client side :

    public bool IsConnected
                if (_TcpClient != null && _TcpClient.Client != null && _TcpClient.Client.Connected)
                    // Detect if client disconnected
                    if (_TcpClient.Client.Poll(0, SelectMode.SelectRead))
                        byte[] buff = new byte[1];
                        if (_TcpClient.Client.Receive(buff, SocketFlags.Peek) == 0)
                            // Client disconnected
                            return false;
                            return true;

                    return true;
                    return false;
                return false;

   private void clsClient()

    private void ConnectToServer()
            NetworkStream _NetworkStream = _TcpClient.GetStream();
            byte[] _RecievedPack = new byte[1024 * 1000];
            string _Message = string.Empty;
            int _BytesRead;
            int _Length;

            while (true)
                _BytesRead = _NetworkStream.Read(_RecievedPack, 0, _RecievedPack.Length);
                _Length = BitConverter.ToInt32(_RecievedPack, 0);
                _Message = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_RecievedPack, 4, _Length);

                if (_BytesRead != 0)
                    if (OnReceive != null)
                        // do something

        catch (Exception exp)
            // do something 

in client side, IsConnected() always return false and try to connecttoserver, so the server listener always try to add the client in a list

like image 727
maryam mohammadi Avatar asked Aug 09 '11 08:08

maryam mohammadi

People also ask

How do I know if my TCP connection is working?

Press the Windows key + R, then type "cmd.exe" and click OK. Enter "telnet + IP address or hostname + port number" (e.g., telnet www.example.com 1723 or telnet 10.17. xxx. xxx 5000) to run the telnet command in Command Prompt and test the TCP port status.

How do I know if my TCP connection is broken?

The only way to detect if a connection is disconnected is to send some data over the connection. The underlying TCP protocol will cause acknowledgements to be sent from the receiver back to the sender thereby allowing a broken connection to be detected.

Which is not a TCP connection state?

The states are: LISTEN, SYN-SENT, SYN- RECEIVED, ESTABLISHED, FIN-WAIT-1, FIN-WAIT-2, CLOSE-WAIT, CLOSING, LAST-ACK, TIME-WAIT, and the fictional state CLOSED. CLOSED is fictional because it represents the state when there is no TCB, and therefore, no connection.

Is open a TCP connection state?

A TCP connection progresses from one state to another in response to events. The events are the user calls, OPEN, SEND, RECEIVE, CLOSE, ABORT, and STATUS; the incoming segments, particularly those containing the SYN, ACK, RST and FIN flags; and timeouts.

2 Answers

Use this code instead, I have tested it and using it in real production software:

public bool IsConnected
            if (_tcpClient != null && _tcpClient.Client != null && _tcpClient.Client.Connected)
               /* pear to the documentation on Poll:
                * When passing SelectMode.SelectRead as a parameter to the Poll method it will return 
                * -either- true if Socket.Listen(Int32) has been called and a connection is pending;
                * -or- true if data is available for reading; 
                * -or- true if the connection has been closed, reset, or terminated; 
                * otherwise, returns false

                // Detect if client disconnected
                if (_tcpClient.Client.Poll(0, SelectMode.SelectRead))
                    byte[] buff = new byte[1];
                    if (_tcpClient.Client.Receive(buff, SocketFlags.Peek) == 0)
                        // Client disconnected
                        return false;
                        return true;

                return true;
                return false;
            return false;

Edit: However you can't rely on just checking the connection and if true proceed, because it returning the status of connection at time this property executed, for instance after you check IsConnected and it returns true, and while you are in the middle of communication, the connection maybe lost there! we just use it in the first place to reduce the probability of failure, So you have to wrap the whole communication in a try/catch and expect the connection to be lost at any time!

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Jalal Said Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10

Jalal Said

I suggest not relaying on such methods. For my opinion, the best way is to implement some kind of keep-alive mechanism. Every X seconds, send a small message and wait for an answer. You're probably disconnected when: 1. You catch an exception when trying to send a keep-alive message (if you're the client side). 2. You don't get a keep-alive message/response for some period of time.

I also suggest not to count on the built-in TCP keep-alive, I found it very not-reliable.

Updated: Found a nice post for this matter: Post

like image 31
Lior Ohana Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10

Lior Ohana