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Is there a way to data bind a single item without eg. a Repeater control?

Lets say I have a single object of type Car which I want to render as HTML:

class Car {
  public int Wheels { get; set; }
  public string Model { get; set; }

I don't want to use the ASP.NET Repeater or ListView controls to bind because it seems too verbose. I just have the one object. But I still want to be able to use the databinding syntax so I won't have to use Labels or Literals. Something like:

  Wheels: <%# (int)Eval("Wheels") %><br />
  Model: <%# (string)Eval("Model") %>

Does anybody know about a control out there that does just that?

And I am not ready to switch to ASP.NET MVC just yet.

Unfortunately, the DetailsView control doesn't satisfy my needs because it doesn't seem to support the template-style syntax that I am after. It, too, needs to be bound to a DataSource object of a kind.

I liked better the solution Maxim and Torkel suggested. I will try to go for that.

like image 339
JacobE Avatar asked Oct 22 '08 11:10


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2 Answers

if the page is about a specific item (For exemple, Car.aspx?CarID=ABC123), I normally have a public property on the page called "CurrentCar"

public Car CurrentCar { get; set; }

And I can then have the following:

  Wheels: <%= CurrentCar.Wheels %><br />
  Model: <%= CurrentCar.Model %>

That allow you to have type safety. Just make sure to have a valid object assigned before the actual rendering.

like image 189
Maxime Rouiller Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 02:10

Maxime Rouiller

I would suggest you make car a protected property on the page, this will allow you to access it directly in the aspx page:

  Wheels: <%= Car.Wheels %>
  Wheels: <%= Car.Models %>

This approach is actually better for single item databinding scenarios as the "binding" is strongly typed.

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Torkel Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 02:10
