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How to determine if object is in array



People also ask

How do you check if an object is in an array?

Using includes() Method: If array contains an object/element can be determined by using includes() method. This method returns true if the array contains the object/element else return false. Example: html.

How do you check if an object already exists in an array Java?

Java ArrayList contains() – Check if element exists ArrayList contains() method is used to check if the specified element exists in the given arraylist or not. If element exist then method returns true , else false .

How do you find the object of an array of objects?

Answer: Use the find() Method You can simply use the find() method to find an object by a property value in an array of objects in JavaScript. The find() method returns the first element in the given array that satisfies the provided testing function. If no values satisfy the testing function, undefined is returned.

How do you check if an item is present in an array in JavaScript?

You can use the includes() method in JavaScript to check if an item exists in an array. You can also use it to check if a substring exists within a string. It returns true if the item is found in the array/string and false if the item doesn't exist.

Use something like this:

function containsObject(obj, list) {
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
        if (list[i] === obj) {
            return true;

    return false;

In this case, containsObject(car4, carBrands) is true. Remove the carBrands.push(car4); call and it will return false instead. If you later expand to using objects to store these other car objects instead of using arrays, you could use something like this instead:

function containsObject(obj, list) {
    var x;
    for (x in list) {
        if (list.hasOwnProperty(x) && list[x] === obj) {
            return true;

    return false;

This approach will work for arrays too, but when used on arrays it will be a tad slower than the first option.

Why don't you use the indexOf method of javascript arrays?

Check this out: MDN indexOf Arrays

Simply do:


It will return you the index (position in the array) of car1. It will return -1 if car1 was not found in the array.


Edit: Note that in the question, the requirements are to check for the same object referenced in the array, and NOT a new object. Even if the new object is identical in content to the object in the array, it is still a different object. As mentioned in the comments, objects are passed by reference in JS and the same object can exist multiple times in multiple structures.
If you want to create a new object and check if the array contains objects identical to your new one, this answer won't work (Julien's fiddle below), if you want to check for that same object's existence in the array, then this answer will work. Check out the fiddles here and in the comments.

Having been recently bitten by the FP bug reading many wonderful accounts of how neatly the functional paradigm fits with Javascript

I replicate the code for completeness sake and suggest two ways this can be done functionally.

    var carBrands = [];

  var car1 = {name:'ford'};
  var car2 = {name:'lexus'};
  var car3 = {name:'maserati'};
  var car4 = {name:'ford'};
  var car5 = {name:'toyota'};


  // ES6 approach which uses the includes method (Chrome47+, Firefox43+)

  carBrands.includes(car1) // -> true
  carBrands.includes(car5) // -> false

If you need to support older browsers use the polyfill, it seems IE9+ and Edge do NOT support it. Located in polyfill section of MSDN page

Alternatively I would like to propose an updated answer to cdhowie

// ES2015 syntax
function containsObject(obj, list) {

    return list.some(function(elem) {
      return elem === obj

// or ES6+ syntax with cool fat arrows
function containsObject(obj, list) {

    return list.some(elem => elem === obj)

You could use jQuery's grep method:

$.grep(carBrands, function(obj) { return obj.name == "ford"; });

But as you specify no jQuery, you could just make a derivative of the function. From the source code:

function grepArray( elems, callback, inv ) {  
    var ret = [];  

    // Go through the array, only saving the items  
    // that pass the validator function  
    for ( var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++ ) {  
        if ( !inv !== !callback( elems[ i ], i ) ) {  
            ret.push( elems[ i ] );  

    return ret;  

grepArray(carBrands, function(obj) { return obj.name == "ford"; });