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How to determine if a language is recursive or recursively enumerable?

I have to determine whether a language (for example L={a^n b^m c^s | 0<=n<=m<=s}) is regular, context-free, recursive, recursively enumerable or none of them.

I know how to determine if a language is regular (find a DFA or regular expression that works) or context-free (find a PDA or context-free grammar that works); I know that a recursive language has a Turing machine that always halts and that a recursively enumerable language has a Turing machine that may not halt.

So the question is: is there a fast criteria to determine whether the language is recursive or recursively enumerable or neither? For example, I don't have to build a PDA to understand that a language is context-free, I can't see it by the fact that it requires one stack; is there a similar fast approach to the problem (that hopefully saves the trouble to build a Turing machine)?

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Jacob Avatar asked Feb 16 '11 17:02


People also ask

What is the difference between recursive and recursively enumerable?

The main difference is that in recursively enumerable language the machine halts for input strings which are in language L. but for input strings which are not in L, it may halt or may not halt. When we come to recursive language it always halt whether it is accepted by the machine or not.

Is every recursive language is recursively enumerable?

The class of all recursive languages is often called R, although this name is also used for the class RP. This type of language was not defined in the Chomsky hierarchy of (Chomsky 1959). All recursive languages are also recursively enumerable. All regular, context-free and context-sensitive languages are recursive.

What is a language that is recursively enumerable but not recursive?

The Universal Language LLu is recursively enumerable but not recursive. Lu is the set of binary strings that consist of encoded pairs (M, w) such that M is an encoding of a Turing machine and w is an encoding of a binary input string accepted by that Turing machine.

What are the different properties of recursive and recursively enumerable languages?

Union: If L1 and If L2 are two recursive languages, their union L1∪L2 will also be recursive because if TM halts for L1 and halts for L2, it will also halt for L1∪L2. Concatenation: If L1 and If L2 are two recursive languages, their concatenation L1. L2 will also be recursive.

2 Answers

There's no structural way to check if a language is recursive versus recursively enumerable. There's actually a really cool proof that says that for any automaton capable of recognizing the recursive languages, there's at least one RE language not in R that the automaton also accepts; it's a variant of the diagonalization argument you use to show the existence of undecidable problems.

The main way in which you prove a language is in RE but not R is to prove the language is in RE (perhaps by defining a TM for it), then to reduce a known problem in RE but not R to that problem. For example, if you can show that any instance of the halting problem can be solved by transforming it into an instance of your problem, you know that it can't have a recursive solution, and if you follow this up with a TM for the language you know that the language is in RE. Together, you have a language in RE but not R.

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templatetypedef Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 06:10


For context free language one quick method is just see the number of comparisions.
In the example see n<=m and m<=s. So there are two comparisons involved. So you can take it out simply telling it is not context free. If there is a single comparison involved then call it as a context free language.

Same is the case with the regular languages. There should be no relation between the two variables, I mean to say there must not be any kind of comparison. For Example consider the languages- 0^m+n 1^n 0^m. Carefully see that there is just a single comparison made which is m+n = n+m(pushing and popping of the symbols) So it is context free.
Now see 0^n+m 1^n+m 0^m clearly see the comparison between the first 2 and the next two.

I took some time to figure it out. But it will take some to make the decisions. Believe me it really works. Here is the last example for regular language. a^n b^2m is regular( See there are no comparisons between n and m) and {a^n b^m |n=2m} is context free as it has only one comparison(not regular)

Hope this helps

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Saurabh Srivastava Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 05:10

Saurabh Srivastava