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How to detect when a scene is loaded in A-Frame?



Is there some event that is triggered when A-Frame is fully loaded? Right now I’ve managed to get my document.querySelector(".a-enter-vr-button") working, but only after placing it inside a setTimeout function, which seems a bit of a makeshift solution. So if anyone has any way of making a js script fire after A-Frame has fully loaded please let me know!

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ngokevin Avatar asked Jan 18 '17 19:01


1 Answers

You can use the loaded event:

document.querySelector('a-scene').addEventListener('loaded', function () {...})

But we recommend using components so you don't have to handle waiting on events for things to get set up:


AFRAME.registerComponent('log', {
  schema: {type: 'string'},
  init: function () {
    var stringToLog = this.data;

Then to use the component from HTML:

<a-scene log="Hello, Scene!">
  <a-box log="Hello, Box!"></a-box>
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ngokevin Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 21:01
