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Is there a way to switch between front and back cameras mid application

I am trying to develop a web-ar experience that allows the user to switch between front and back cameras throughout the experience, while utilizing SLAM/6dof while using the back camera. Ideally I'd like to use PlayCanvas, but was unable to get the front camera to work. I have had some mild success implementing this in a-frame, but many things are breaking.

I couldn't find any PlayCanvas specific documentation on enabling the front camera, and using XR.stop(), followed by XR.run({canvas: document.getElementById('camerafeed'), cameraConfig: {direction: XR.XrConfig.camera().FRONT}}) didn't have any effect.

Within a-frame I am doing a similar sequence of events, but I am seeing some results. The front camera gets activated, but there are errors in the log, 3D objects don't render(they render when we start in front camera mode), and trying to switch cameras again displays the "Oops, something went wrong!" screen.

As for toggling the SLAM/6dof I keep getting an error that I can not change disableWorldTracking after XR.run has been executed. Even if I have run the XR.stop function and listened for the stopxr event.

A-frame functionality that is supposed to switch to the front camera(just the important bits):

init: function() {
this.el.sceneEl.addEventListener('stopxr', event => {
      console.log("AR has been stopped.");
      const videoCanvas = document.querySelector('canvas.a-canvas');
      XR.XrController.configure({disableWorldTracking: true});
      XR.run({canvas: videoCanvas, cameraConfig: {direction: XR.XrConfig.camera().FRONT}});

switchToFace: function() {

What is the proper way to change the disableWorldTracking parameter while the scene is running? What is the proper way to alternate between front and back camera while the scene is running?

like image 436
David Ayliff Avatar asked Sep 13 '19 21:09

David Ayliff

People also ask

How do I switch cameras mid video?

To flip the camera, double-tap anywhere on the screen with the other hand while holding the camera icon. On Android devices, flipping the camera in the regular story mode doesn't work.

Can you flip camera mid video?

Unfortunately, the local camera app on Android does not allow you to rotate the camera in the middle of recording a video.

1 Answers

After talking with an 8th wall dev they confirmed that they only support a single XR session per page, so after XR.stop, XR.run can’t be called again. However there is another way to switch between front and back camera, and it works with SLAM enabled.

  1. Listen to the onCameraStatusChange event and grab references to the stream and video elements.
  2. When initiating the camera swap, pause 8th wall using XR.pause().
  3. Stop all the tracks in the stream you grabbed from step one.
  4. Use navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints); to get the stream for the desired camera.
  5. Assign the new stream to the video element you grabbed in step 1.
  6. Listen for the video element to fire the playing event, and call XR.resume();

One thing to note: SLAM will only work if you are starting with the back camera. After switching to the front camera and back SLAM will no longer be working.

like image 59
David Ayliff Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09

David Ayliff