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How to detect when a page exits fullscreen?

I'm creating a 3D multiplayer game with Three.js, where players can join various existing games. Once "play" is clicked, the renderer is appended to the page and fullscreens. This works great, but the problem is that, when I exit the fullscreen, it still stays appended. I'd like to remove it, but I don't know when!

So, basically, I'm looking for an event that says "this element exited fullscreen".

This is how I append the renderer to the page:

container = document.getElementById('container'); document.body.appendChild(container);  var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias: true}); renderer.setSize( WIDTH, HEIGHT); container.appendChild( renderer.domElement ); 

This if how I fullscreen it:

THREEx.FullScreen.request(container);  renderer.setSize(screen.width, screen.height); 

Also, is there a way to stop that annoying header from appearing whenever someone points his mouse to the top of the page? And, I guess I can just prevent escape from doing what it does (exiting fullscreen) in Firefox and Chrome with preventDefault?


The "fullscreenchange" event is indeed fired, but it has different names under different browsers. For example, on Chrome it's called "webkitfullscreenchange", and on Firefox it's "mozfullscreenchange".

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corazza Avatar asked May 22 '12 16:05


People also ask

How do I tell if an element is fullscreen?

Tip: Use the element. requestFullscreen() method to view an element in fullscreen mode. Tip: Use the element. exitFullscreen() method to cancel fullscreen mode.

How do I change my full screen?

Simply click the CTRL and ESC keys together, or you can press the WINKEY for even easier access. -Media in Full Screen: If you are watching a video or playing a game on your computer and want to access it in full-screen mode instead of in a window, click ALT and ENTER together to go into and out of full screen.

2 Answers

Here's how I did it:

if (document.addEventListener) {  document.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', exitHandler, false);  document.addEventListener('mozfullscreenchange', exitHandler, false);  document.addEventListener('MSFullscreenChange', exitHandler, false);  document.addEventListener('webkitfullscreenchange', exitHandler, false); }  function exitHandler() {  if (!document.webkitIsFullScreen && !document.mozFullScreen && !document.msFullscreenElement)  {   // Run code on exit  } } 

Supports Opera, Safari, Chrome with webkit, Firefox/Gecko with moz, IE 11 with MSFullScreenChange, and will support the actual spec with fullscreenchange once it's been successfully implemented in all of the browsers. Obviously, Fullscreen API is only supported in the modern browsers, so I did not provide attachEvent fallbacks for older versions of IE.

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Alex W Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Alex W

The Fullscreen spec specifies that the "fullscreenchange" (with the appropriate prefix) event is fired on the document any time the fullscreen state of the page changes, that includes going into and out of full screen. Inside that event you can check document.fullScreenElement to see if the page is fullscreen or not. If it's fullscreen the property will be non-null.

Check out MDN for more details.

As for your other questions: No, there is no way to prevent Esc from exiting fullscreen. That's the compromise that was made to ensure that the user always has control over what their browser is doing. The browser will never give you a way to prevent users from exiting fullscreen. Period.

As for Firefox being slower at rendering than Chrome, I can assure you that for most practical purposes it's not. If you're seeing a large difference in performance between the two browsers that probably means your javascript code is the bottleneck, not the GPU.

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Toji Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09
