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Reload parent window from child window

No jQuery is necessary in this situation.



You can use window.opener, window.parent, or window.top to reference the window in question. From there, you just call the reload method (e.g.: window.parent.location.reload()).

However, as a caveat, you might have problems with window.opener if you need to navigate away from the originally opened page since the reference will be lost.


This should work.

if you want to simply reload the parent window of child window: This line code below is enough for that.


if you want to reload parent window with query string (request) with old or new values. Following code will do the work.

if (opener.location.href.indexOf('?') > 0) {
      var baseUrl = opener.location.href.substring(0, opener.location.href.indexOf('?'));
      opener.location.href = baseUrl + "?param1=abc&param2=123";
else {
      opener.location.href = opener.location.href + "?param1=abc&param2=123";

this opener.location.reload(); is not required in above example.

You can reload parent window location using :

window.opener.location.href = window.opener.location.href;
