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How to detect only the changed fields in Angular 2 forms?

I am using FormGroup and FormControls toghether with ngrx to build a reactive form. Also I'm using the Inspector of the Chrome redux redux dev-tools. I want to properly render the history of actions while skipping some form change actions. Currently skipping any form action before the last one will not project as if that specific form change was not made. The form sends a full object with all the fields applied. Thus any change from previous actions is obscured because each actions replaces all previous properties of the form's state.

A bit of context: I am stashing in state store a person object while the user fills up a form inside a modal. Then on submit I send the person data to the server.

The form component

// Emit events when form changes
    .subscribe(person => {

        // Block @Input person update from triggering a form change
        if (this._personFormInputUpdated === true) {

            // Reset @Input safe-guard
            this._personFormInputUpdated = false;


        // Ignore unchaged form
        if (!this.personForm.dirty) { return; }

        debug('Person form changed');
        this.personChange.emit(Object.assign({}, person));

The reducer:

    case AccountsDataActions.STASH_ACCOUNT_PERSON:
        newState = Object.assign({}, state, {
            stashedAccountPerson: Object.assign({}, state.stashedAccountPerson, action.payload)
        debug('STASH_ACCOUNT_PERSON:', [newState.stashedAccountPerson]);
        return newState;

I am considering using some diff-checking library in order to select only the changed fields for the next STASH_ACCOUNT_PERSON action. Is there a simpler method that doesn't require an additional library? Something built-in into ng2 forms?


Edit ngOnChanges() has a similar effect for @Input decorators. Is there something similar for forms?

like image 745
Adrian Moisa Avatar asked Feb 12 '17 11:02

Adrian Moisa

People also ask

How do you know if reactive form value is changed?

You can use rxjs operators to check values.

How do you know if a form is dirty?

if you want to see if the form is dirty you should check the viewModel in kendo way sample. basically I've created a viewModel which is impements the ObservableObject interface and has a two way binding with the form's container.

Which class is applied on a form control if its value is changed?

ValueChanges of FormGroup The ValueChanges event of FormGroup or FormArray is fired, whenever the value of any of its child controls value changes.

1 Answers

Yes. try to use distinctUntilChanged method. Returns an observable sequence that contains only distinct contiguous elements according to the keySelector and the comparer.

    .subscribe(person => {
       // only what changed!
like image 142
Shlomi Levi Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 17:10

Shlomi Levi