Is there a more-or-less reliable way (not necessarily perfect) to detect the machine word size of the target architecture for which I'm compiling?
By machine word size I mean the size of the integer accumulator register (e.g. EAX on x86, RAX on x86_64 etc., not streaming extensions, segment or floating-point registers).
The standard does not seem to provide a "machine word" data type. So I'm not looking for a 100% portable way, just something that works in most common cases (Intel x86 Pentium+, ARM, MIPS, PPC - that is, register-based, contemporary commodity processors).
and uintptr_t
sound like good candidates (and in practice matched the register size everywhere I tested) but are of course something else and are thus not guaranteed to always do so as is already described in Is size_t the word size.
Let's assume I'm implementing a hashing loop over a block of contiguous data. It is OK to have the resulting hash depend on the compiler, only speed matters.
Testing on Windows shows that hashing in chunks of 64 bits is faster in 64-bit mode and in 32 bits in 32-bit mode:
64-bit mode
int64: 55 ms
int32: 111 ms
32-bit mode
int64: 252 ms
int32: 158 ms
That being said, on Windows with Intel processors, the nominal word size will be either 32 or 64 bits and you can easily figure this out: if your program is compiled for 32-bits, then the nominal word size is 32-bits. if you have compiled a 64-bit program then then the nominal word size is 64-bits.
DWORD (32 bits/4 bytes) QWORD (64 bits/8 bytes)
Yes, quite often int will be the same as the size of a register in the processor, but most 64-bit processors do not follow this rule, as it makes data unnecessarily large.
Because the C and C++ languages deliberately abstract away such considerations as the machine word size, it's unlikely that any method will be 100% reliable. However, there are the various int_fastXX_t
types that may help you infer the size. For example, this simple C++ program:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
#define SHOW(x) std::cout << # x " = " << x << '\n'
int main()
produces this result using gcc version 5.3.1 on my 64-bit Linux machine:
sizeof(int_fast8_t) = 1
sizeof(int_fast16_t) = 8
sizeof(int_fast32_t) = 8
sizeof(int_fast64_t) = 8
This suggests that one means to discover the register size might be to look for the largest difference between a required size (e.g. 2 bytes for a 16-bit value) and the corresponding int_fastXX_t
size and using the size of the int_fastXX_t
as the register size.
Windows 7, gcc 4.9.3 under Cygwin on 64-bit machine: same as above
Windows 7, Visual Studio 2013 (v 12.0) on 64-bit machine:
sizeof(int_fast8_t) = 1
sizeof(int_fast16_t) = 4
sizeof(int_fast32_t) = 4
sizeof(int_fast64_t) = 8
Linux, gcc 4.6.3 on 32-bit ARM and also Linux, gcc 5.3.1 on 32-bit Atom:
sizeof(int_fast8_t) = 1
sizeof(int_fast16_t) = 4
sizeof(int_fast32_t) = 4
sizeof(int_fast64_t) = 8
I think you want
which is supposed to be the size of an index. ie. ar[index]
32 bit machine
char 1
int 4
long 4
long long 8
size_t 4
64 bit machine
char 1
int 4
long 8
long long 8
size_t 8
It may be more complicated because 32 bit compilers run on 64 bit machines. Their output 32 even though the machine is capable of more.
I added windows compilers below
Visual Studio 2012 compiled win32
char 1
int 4
long 4
long long 8
size_t 4
Visual Studio 2012 compiled x64
char 1
int 4
long 4
long long 8
size_t 8
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