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How to detect machine word size in C/C++?

Is there a more-or-less reliable way (not necessarily perfect) to detect the machine word size of the target architecture for which I'm compiling?

By machine word size I mean the size of the integer accumulator register (e.g. EAX on x86, RAX on x86_64 etc., not streaming extensions, segment or floating-point registers).

The standard does not seem to provide a "machine word" data type. So I'm not looking for a 100% portable way, just something that works in most common cases (Intel x86 Pentium+, ARM, MIPS, PPC - that is, register-based, contemporary commodity processors).

size_t and uintptr_t sound like good candidates (and in practice matched the register size everywhere I tested) but are of course something else and are thus not guaranteed to always do so as is already described in Is size_t the word size.


Let's assume I'm implementing a hashing loop over a block of contiguous data. It is OK to have the resulting hash depend on the compiler, only speed matters.

Example: http://rextester.com/VSANH87912

Testing on Windows shows that hashing in chunks of 64 bits is faster in 64-bit mode and in 32 bits in 32-bit mode:

64-bit mode
int64: 55 ms
int32: 111 ms

32-bit mode
int64: 252 ms
int32: 158 ms
like image 398
rustyx Avatar asked Mar 07 '16 12:03


People also ask

How do you find a word size?

That being said, on Windows with Intel processors, the nominal word size will be either 32 or 64 bits and you can easily figure this out: if your program is compiled for 32-bits, then the nominal word size is 32-bits. if you have compiled a 64-bit program then then the nominal word size is 64-bits.

What is word size in 64-bit machine?

DWORD (32 bits/4 bytes) QWORD (64 bits/8 bytes)

Is word an int size?

Yes, quite often int will be the same as the size of a register in the processor, but most 64-bit processors do not follow this rule, as it makes data unnecessarily large.

2 Answers

Because the C and C++ languages deliberately abstract away such considerations as the machine word size, it's unlikely that any method will be 100% reliable. However, there are the various int_fastXX_t types that may help you infer the size. For example, this simple C++ program:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>

#define SHOW(x) std::cout << # x " = " << x << '\n'

int main()

produces this result using gcc version 5.3.1 on my 64-bit Linux machine:

sizeof(int_fast8_t) = 1
sizeof(int_fast16_t) = 8
sizeof(int_fast32_t) = 8
sizeof(int_fast64_t) = 8

This suggests that one means to discover the register size might be to look for the largest difference between a required size (e.g. 2 bytes for a 16-bit value) and the corresponding int_fastXX_t size and using the size of the int_fastXX_t as the register size.

Further results

Windows 7, gcc 4.9.3 under Cygwin on 64-bit machine: same as above

Windows 7, Visual Studio 2013 (v 12.0) on 64-bit machine:

sizeof(int_fast8_t) = 1
sizeof(int_fast16_t) = 4
sizeof(int_fast32_t) = 4
sizeof(int_fast64_t) = 8

Linux, gcc 4.6.3 on 32-bit ARM and also Linux, gcc 5.3.1 on 32-bit Atom:

sizeof(int_fast8_t) = 1
sizeof(int_fast16_t) = 4
sizeof(int_fast32_t) = 4
sizeof(int_fast64_t) = 8
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Edward Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 09:10


I think you want

sizeof(size_t) which is supposed to be the size of an index. ie. ar[index]

32 bit machine

char 1
int 4
long 4
long long 8
size_t 4

64 bit machine

char 1
int 4
long 8
long long 8
size_t 8

It may be more complicated because 32 bit compilers run on 64 bit machines. Their output 32 even though the machine is capable of more.

I added windows compilers below

Visual Studio 2012 compiled win32

char 1
int 4
long 4
long long 8
size_t 4

Visual Studio 2012 compiled x64

char 1
int 4
long 4
long long 8
size_t 8
like image 25
Robert Jacobs Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 09:10

Robert Jacobs