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How to deserialize a class with overloaded constructors using JsonCreator





I am trying to deserialize an instance of this class using Jackson 1.9.10:

public class Person {  @JsonCreator public Person(@JsonProperty("name") String name,         @JsonProperty("age") int age) {     // ... person with both name and age }  @JsonCreator public Person(@JsonProperty("name") String name) {     // ... person with just a name } } 

When I try this I get the following

Conflicting property-based creators: already had ... {interface org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonCreator @org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonCreator()}], encountered ... , annotations: {interface org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonCreator @org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonCreator()}]

Is there a way to deserialize a class with overloaded constructors using Jackson?


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geejay Avatar asked Apr 10 '13 16:04


2 Answers

Though its not properly documented, you can only have one creator per type. You can have as many constructors as you want in your type, but only one of them should have a @JsonCreator annotation on it.

like image 155
Perception Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09


EDIT: Behold, in a blog post by the maintainers of Jackson, it seems 2.12 may see improvements in regard to constructor injection. (Current version at the time of this edit is 2.11.1)

Improve auto-detection of Constructor creators, including solving/alleviating issues with ambiguous 1-argument constructors (delegating vs properties)

This still hold true for Jackson databind 2.7.0.

The Jackson @JsonCreator annotation 2.5 javadoc or Jackson annotations documentation grammar (constructors and factory methods) let believe indeed that one can mark multiple constructors.

Marker annotation that can be used to define constructors and factory methods as one to use for instantiating new instances of the associated class.

Looking at the code where the creators are identified, it looks like the Jackson CreatorCollector is ignoring overloaded constructors because it only checks the first argument of the constructor.

Class<?> oldType = oldOne.getRawParameterType(0); Class<?> newType = newOne.getRawParameterType(0);  if (oldType == newType) {     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Conflicting "+TYPE_DESCS[typeIndex]            +" creators: already had explicitly marked "+oldOne+", encountered "+newOne); } 
  • oldOne is the first identified constructor creator.
  • newOne is the overloaded constructor creator.

That means that code like that won't work

@JsonCreator public Phone(@JsonProperty("value") String value) {     this.value = value;     this.country = ""; }  @JsonCreator public Phone(@JsonProperty("country") String country, @JsonProperty("value") String value) {     this.value = value;     this.country = country; }  assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("{\"value\":\"+336\"}", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336"); // raise error here assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("{\"value\":\"+336\"}", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336"); 

But this code will work :

@JsonCreator public Phone(@JsonProperty("value") String value) {     this.value = value;     enabled = true; }  @JsonCreator public Phone(@JsonProperty("enabled") Boolean enabled, @JsonProperty("value") String value) {     this.value = value;     this.enabled = enabled; }  assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("{\"value\":\"+336\"}", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336"); assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("{\"value\":\"+336\",\"enabled\":true}", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336"); 

This is a bit hacky and may not be future proof.

The documentation is vague about how object creation works; from what I gather from the code though, it's that it is possible to mix different methods :

For example one can have a static factory method annotated with @JsonCreator

@JsonCreator public Phone(@JsonProperty("value") String value) {     this.value = value;     enabled = true; }  @JsonCreator public Phone(@JsonProperty("enabled") Boolean enabled, @JsonProperty("value") String value) {     this.value = value;     this.enabled = enabled; }  @JsonCreator public static Phone toPhone(String value) {     return new Phone(value); }  assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("\"+336\"", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336"); assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("{\"value\":\"+336\"}", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336"); assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("{\"value\":\"+336\",\"enabled\":true}", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336"); 

It works but it is not ideal. In the end, it could make sense, e.g. if the JSON is that dynamic then maybe one should look to use a delegate constructor to handle payload variations much more elegantly than with multiple annotated constructors.

Also note that Jackson orders creators by priority, for example in this code :

// Simple @JsonCreator public Phone(@JsonProperty("value") String value) {     this.value = value; }  // more @JsonCreator public Phone(Map<String, Object> properties) {     value = (String) properties.get("value");          // more logic }  assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("\"+336\"", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336"); assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("{\"value\":\"+336\"}", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336"); assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("{\"value\":\"+336\",\"enabled\":true}", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336"); 

This time Jackson won't raise an error, but Jackson will only use the delegate constructor Phone(Map<String, Object> properties), which means the Phone(@JsonProperty("value") String value) is never used.

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Brice Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 06:09
