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How to derive instances in recursion schemes



I am testing out some of the ideas in this article.

I want to derive an instance of Eq for the type Term:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
data Tree a = Branch Int [a] | Leaf Int deriving (Eq, Functor, Show)
data Term f = Term (f (Term f)) deriving (Eq)

But get this error:

No instance for (Eq (f (Term f)))
      arising from the first field of ‘Term’ (type ‘f (Term f)’)
    Possible fix:
      use a standalone 'deriving instance' declaration,
        so you can specify the instance context yourself
    When deriving the instance for (Eq (Term f))

I tried adding a standalone deriving instance:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
data Tree a = Branch Int [a] | Leaf Int deriving (Eq, Functor, Show)
data Term f = Term (f (Term f))
deriving instance (Eq f) => Eq (Term f)

But get this error:

The first argument of ‘Term’ should have kind ‘* -> *’,
  but ‘f’ has kind ‘*’
In the stand-alone deriving instance for ‘(Eq f) => Eq (Term f)’

Now I'm stuck. How do I show that f has a kind * -> *? And why do I need a standalone deriving instance for Term but not Tree? Both have type variables that are not necessarily going to be instances of Eq? (a and f)

like image 662
bwroga Avatar asked Aug 15 '16 16:08


1 Answers

There are two solutions:

Using some GHC extensions StandaloneDeriving, UndecidableInstances and some others you can write:

deriving instance (Eq (f (Term f))) => Eq (Term f)

This is what recursion-schemes does at the moment


Alternatively, you can use Eq1 from transformers or base-

class Eq1 f where
    liftEq :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> f a -> f b -> Bool

eq1 :: (Eq1 f, Eq a) -> f a -> f a -> Bool
eq1 = liftEq (==)

instance Eq1 f => Eq (Term f) where
    Term a == Term b = eq1 a b

Reference: https://github.com/ekmett/recursion-schemes/blob/ffada24f92efd5bcfe71f7f0af3b4af057f50bd0/Data/Functor/Foldable.hs#L392

like image 166
phadej Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09
