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how to delete kubectl service

I executed the following command: % kubectl get service

It returned this list of services that were created at one point in time with kubectl:

NAME                     CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                         AGE car-example-service   <nodes>       8025:31564/TCP,1025:31764/TCP   10h circle-example-service    <nodes>       9000:30362/TCP                  9h demo-service        <nodes>       8025:30696/TCP,1025:32047/TCP   10h example-servic    <nodes>       8080:30231/TCP                  1d example-service    <nodes>       8080:32308/TCP                  1d example-service2   <nodes>       9000:32727/TCP                  13h example-webservice    <nodes>       9000:32256/TCP                  1d hello-node        <pending>     8080:32393/TCP                  120d kubernetes          <none>        443/TCP                         120d mouse-example-service    <nodes>       9000:30189/TCP                  9h spring-boot-web   <nodes>       8080:32311/TCP                  9h spring-boot-web-purple    <nodes>       8080:31740/TCP                  9h 

I no longer want any of these services listed, because when I list resources: % kubectl get rs

I am expecting that I only see the spring-boot-web resource listed.

NAME                         DESIRED   CURRENT   READY     AGE spring-boot-web-1175758536   1         1         0         18m 

Please help clarify why I am seeing services that are listed , when the resources only show 1 resource.

like image 913
joe the coder Avatar asked Dec 07 '17 11:12

joe the coder

People also ask

How do I delete a service in kubectl?

Deleting a StatefulSet You can delete a StatefulSet in the same way you delete other resources in Kubernetes: use the kubectl delete command, and specify the StatefulSet either by file or by name. You may need to delete the associated headless service separately after the StatefulSet itself is deleted.

Can we delete the service in Kubernetes?

5 Deleting a Service or Deployment. Objects can be deleted easily within Kubernetes so that your environment can be cleaned. Use the kubectl delete command to remove an object.

2 Answers

Simply call this command.

1/Get all available services:

kubectl get service -o wide 

2/ Then you can delete any services like this:

kubectl delete svc <YourServiceName> 
like image 179
Reza Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 09:10


show deployment

$ kubectl get deployments;  NAME              DESIRED   CURRENT   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE spring-hello      1         1         1            1           22h spring-world      1         1         1            1           22h vfe-hello-wrold   1         1         1            1           14m 

show services

$kubectl get services;  NAME              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE kubernetes        ClusterIP        <none>        443/TCP          2d spring-hello      NodePort   <none>        8081:30812/TCP   23h spring-world      NodePort    <none>        8082:31557/TCP   23h vfe-hello-wrold   NodePort     <none>        8083:31532/TCP   14m 

delete deployment

$ kubectl delete deployments vfe-hello-wrold  deployment.extensions "vfe-hello-wrold" deleted 

delete services

$ kubectl delete service vfe-hello-wrold  service "vfe-hello-wrold" deleted 
like image 34
取一个好的名字 Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 11:10
