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Not able to completely remove Kubernetes CustomResource

I'm having trouble deleting custom resource definition. I'm trying to upgrade kubeless from v1.0.0-alpha.7 to v1.0.0-alpha.8.

I tried to remove all the created custom resources by doing

$ kubectl delete -f kubeless-v1.0.0-alpha.7.yaml deployment "kubeless-controller-manager" deleted serviceaccount "controller-acct" deleted clusterrole "kubeless-controller-deployer" deleted clusterrolebinding "kubeless-controller-deployer" deleted customresourcedefinition "functions.kubeless.io" deleted customresourcedefinition "httptriggers.kubeless.io" deleted customresourcedefinition "cronjobtriggers.kubeless.io" deleted configmap "kubeless-config" deleted 

But when I try,

$ kubectl get customresourcedefinition NAME                    AGE functions.kubeless.io   21d 

And because of this when I next try to upgrade by doing, I see,

$ kubectl create -f kubeless-v1.0.0-alpha.8.yaml Error from server (AlreadyExists): error when creating "kubeless-v1.0.0-alpha.8.yaml": object is being deleted: customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io "functions.kubeless.io" already exists 

I think because of this mismatch in the function definition , the hello world example is failing.

$ kubeless function deploy hellopy --runtime python2.7 --from-file test.py --handler test.hello INFO[0000] Deploying function... FATA[0000] Failed to deploy hellopy. Received: the server does not allow this method on the requested resource (post functions.kubeless.io) 

Finally, here is the output of,

$ kubectl describe customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io Name:         functions.kubeless.io Namespace: Labels:       <none> Annotations:  kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration={"apiVersion":"apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1","description":"Kubernetes Native Serverless Framework","kind":"CustomResourceDefinition","metadata":{"anno... API Version:  apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind:         CustomResourceDefinition Metadata:   Creation Timestamp:             2018-08-02T17:22:07Z   Deletion Grace Period Seconds:  0   Deletion Timestamp:             2018-08-24T17:15:39Z   Finalizers:     customresourcecleanup.apiextensions.k8s.io   Generation:        1   Resource Version:  99792247   Self Link:         /apis/apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1/customresourcedefinitions/functions.kubeless.io   UID:               951713a6-9678-11e8-bd68-0a34b6111990 Spec:   Group:  kubeless.io   Names:     Kind:       Function     List Kind:  FunctionList     Plural:     functions     Singular:   function   Scope:        Namespaced   Version:      v1beta1 Status:   Accepted Names:     Kind:       Function     List Kind:  FunctionList     Plural:     functions     Singular:   function   Conditions:     Last Transition Time:  2018-08-02T17:22:07Z     Message:               no conflicts found     Reason:                NoConflicts     Status:                True     Type:                  NamesAccepted     Last Transition Time:  2018-08-02T17:22:07Z     Message:               the initial names have been accepted     Reason:                InitialNamesAccepted     Status:                True     Type:                  Established     Last Transition Time:  2018-08-23T13:29:45Z     Message:               CustomResource deletion is in progress     Reason:                InstanceDeletionInProgress     Status:                True     Type:                  Terminating Events:                    <none> 
like image 676
smk Avatar asked Aug 24 '18 17:08


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1 Answers

So it turns out , the root cause was that Custom resources with finalizers can "deadlock". The CustomResource "functions.kubeless.io" had a

Finalizers: customresourcecleanup.apiextensions.k8s.io

and this is can leave it in a bad state when deleting.


I followed the steps mentioned in this workaround and it now gets deleted. Hope this helps anyone else who runs into this.

like image 107
smk Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 00:10
