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how to delete kafka message after reading

I am using the below code to read messages from a topic. How do i delete a message after it is read?

from kafka import KafkaConsumer

    consumer = KafkaConsumer('my-topic',
    for message in consumer:
        # message value and key are raw bytes -- decode if necessary!
        # e.g., for unicode: `message.value.decode('utf-8')`
        print ("%s:%d:%d: key=%s value=%s" % (message.topic, message.partition,
                                              message.offset, message.key,
like image 241
josh Avatar asked Jan 09 '16 13:01


1 Answers

There is no way to delete a specific message from kafka - kafka simply is not designed to do that. The only way to delete messages is by setting log.retention.hours in kafka's config/server.properties to a value of your liking. The default is 168 - meaning that messages are not kept after 168 hours.

If you instead are looking for a way to read messages from a specific offset - i.e. not read from the beginning every time, look here http://kafka-python.readthedocs.org/en/master/apidoc/KafkaConsumer.html
commit() - committing read offsets to kafka
seek_to_end() - fast forward to consuming only newly arriving messages
seek() - moving to a given offset (presumably stored somewhere else than in kafka)

like image 100
Jan Šourek Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Jan Šourek