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How to delete existing servers on PhpStorm?



How to delete existing servers on PhpStorm? It seems that it is not even possible to delete the wrong ones.

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AusTex Avatar asked Mar 16 '16 17:03


1 Answers

Those "servers" are deployment entries and they can be managed at Settings/Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Deployment.

Please note that most (if not all) of those entries most likely (in your case, of course) will be shared entries (seen by all projects; it's default and only option in older PhpStorm versions) and therefore potentially can be used by more than one project. It's better if you go trough each existing project and make them project-specific (Visible only for this project check box -- if you do not have such option then you are using quite old PhpStorm version).

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LazyOne Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 21:11
