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PHPStorm / Intellij - Export / Import Database Settings

These two IDE's have a great database query engine that I rely on. But I sometimes work on multiple machines. I know that I can export and import IDE settings, but is there a way that I can export/import database settings from one machine to another?

I've looked and grepped through the file structure, but haven't found anything. I am thinking it must be encrypted somewhere. Thanks.

like image 870
EdgeCase Avatar asked Dec 06 '12 13:12


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1 Answers

As I understand you are talking about Database tool window.

Such settings are saved in dataSources.ids/.xml pair of files. Location depends on how Data Source was declared:

  • Project level -- in .idea subfolder next to other project settings
  • Globally -- in config\options\ folder (e.g. C:\Users\USERNAME\.WebIde60\config\options\ on Windows 7)
like image 62
LazyOne Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 01:09
