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How to delete all relationships in neo4j graph?


I need to delete all relationships between all nodes. Is there any way to delete all relationships in the neo4j graph? Note that I am using ruby bindings - the neography gem. There is no info about that in the wiki of the gem. I've also tried to find a way to do it in the neo4j documentation without any result.

Neo4j version is 1.7.2.

like image 540
roman Avatar asked Oct 15 '12 16:10


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1 Answers

in cypher:

deleting all relationships:

start r=relationship(*) delete r; 

creating all relationships between all nodes, i'd assume:

start n=node(*),m=node(*) create unique n-[r:RELTYPE]-m; 

but you rather dont want to have too many vertices, since it collapse on low memory (at least in my case i got 1mil vertices and 1gb ram)

like image 190
ulkas Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09
