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re-attach sources in intellij?


I'm hoping to debug into the source code of jaxb-impl.

I downloaded version 2.2.6, attached the sources and then realized the app I'm debugging is using jaxb-impl version 2.2.3

So now that I have the correct version 2.2.3 of the source, I can't figure out how to remove the association from 2.2.6 source so that I can attach the 2.2.3?

Update: I figured out that you can go into the .idea directory, find the library xml def and remove all the stuff inside the <sources> tag. In my case, I edited libraries/Maven__com_sun_xml_bind_jaxb_impl_2_2_3_1.xml.

Anyone know if there's a way to do this thru the GUI?

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Upgradingdave Avatar asked Oct 30 '12 17:10


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How to Attach source in IntelliJ?

zip to IntelliJ IDEA. 2.2 Platform Settings -> SDKs -> Select Sourcepath -> plus icon -> select src. zip from the JDK installed path. 2.3 Done.

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2 Answers

Project Structure | Libraries (or Module Dependencies if libraries are defined there):


In case Maven is managing the dependencies, Download Sources in the Maven Projects should also work:


like image 194
CrazyCoder Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09


Another (non-GUI) option is to delete the downloaded source files from $USER_HOME$/.ideaLibSources/ and restart IntelliJ. I'm working on a Grails project and didn't see anything relevant in the GUI.

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Ed Norris Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09

Ed Norris