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How to delegate long background tasks from web, and recover control when done [closed]

We have an ERP in which twice a month, all the orders in the last two weeks have to be billed. So that our clients select all those orders, press on the "generate bills" button, and a series of sequential ajax http requests are done, once per invoice, while a pop-up message informs them of the process.

First, all the invoices are sequentially generated in the DB, just as mentioned previously, and once this process is done, then it's the turn for the generation of the PDF files. This is also made with sequential ajax requests.

This is good, as long as the users keep that window untouched. It they leave that page or close it, the whole process, which might take a few minutes if there are many invoices to generate, is stopped.

It might lead to many invoices without the PDF file generated if the process is stopped in the middle. This is critical because when they send all those invoices to be printed, this action takes a lot more to get done if the PDF content must be generated on the fly and sent to the printer than if the content is read from an existing file.

I could change the process so that after one invoice is generated, the next action is to generate its file, and so on. But I wonder if there's some way to send the process to background, via system(), exec() or so, and get notified in the same web app when the process is done, regardless of the users decision to leave the billing page to do other tasks.

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luis.ap.uyen Avatar asked Jul 13 '18 15:07


People also ask

What is the current recommended way to handle long running background tasks?

Recommended solutionScheduling deferred work through WorkManager is the best way to handle tasks that don't need to run immediately but which ought to remain scheduled when the app closes or the device restarts.

How do I open background tasks?

View tasks that are running in the backgroundChoose Window > Background Tasks (or press Command-9). In the toolbar, click the Background Tasks button.

Why use background jobs?

Background jobs can be executed without requiring user interaction--the application can start the job and then continue to process interactive requests from users. This can help to minimize the load on the application UI, which can improve availability and reduce interactive response times.

Is a process that runs in the background without manual effort?

A background process is a computer process that runs behind the scenes (i.e., in the background) and without user intervention. Typical tasks for these processes include logging, system monitoring, scheduling, and user notification.

4 Answers

Such tasks are not suitable for web because they hold your web requests for a longer time and if you are using a server like nodejs the situation becomes really bad following the single threaded model.

Anyways this is one of the simplest way of how things can be done:

  1. Send an ajax request with the list of order ids to server. The server simply inserts these orderids with status PENDING in lets say a dbtable "ORDERINVOICE". The server simply responds with 200 saying request accepted

  2. There is a background job querying the ORDERINVOICE table lets say every 5 secs waiting for records with status PENDING. This job will generate invoice and mark the status as INVOICED

  3. There is another background job querying the ORDERINVOICE table lets say every 5 secs waiting for records with status INVOICED. This job will generate pdf and mark the status as DONE

Now coming to the part of updating the WEB UI.

For real time notifications you will be required to use Websockets which will create a persistent connection to your server enabling bidirectional communication.

However, if you can afford to have a lag about updating clients about progress, another way could be polling after 5/6secs from web ui via an ajax request to return the status of ORDERINVOICE table. Like pending:10, In progress: 20, Done: 3 etc.

Scaling Needs

The above implementation is very simple and can be done w/o using a middleware. However, if you are planning to scale in long run and would want to avoid unnecessary queries to DB, You will have to go full async with some heavy maintenance. (This should be advisable method for a system doing multitude of processing)

Full Async way using Queueing solutions like Kafka/RabbitMQ etc

  1. Step 1 above still remains the same.(To provide persistance storage)
  2. Create a producer which simply reads PENDING records and pushes the orders in an INVOICING QUEUE
  3. Depending on the scale you can add n consumers to this INVOCING QUEUE doing your invoicing work parallely and once done update the status and push the record to another PDFQUEUE.
  4. Again to speed up and scale the process, you will have consumers listening to this PDFQUEUE and doing pdf generation work. Once done they will update the status and push the message to NOTIFYQUEUE.
  5. The websocket server will be our consumer of NOTIFYQUEUE and it will simple update the web browser about done status. You will need to pass a unique user/visitor id for this. Check https://socket.io/ for web sockets.
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hellojava Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11


I recommend to use some queue service. For example, RabbitMQ for creating the queues for all tasks.

You can create two queues:

  1. First one for generating invoices in DB --> Add items to this queue after client clicked the button "Generate bills". A pop-up message will momentally inform a user about quantity of bills and estimated time of generation after all tasks will be sent to the queue. You do not have to wait until the end of the generation process.

  2. Second one for generation PDF-files. It recieves an item from first queue after successful generation an invoice in DB. A worker (while true process) gets items from this queue, generates a PDF, and marks the item as finished if PDF is created. Otherwise, worker marks the item as not finished and increases the counter of attempts. After max attempts limit is reached worker marks the item as failed and deletes it from second queue.

In result, you can see how many items are generating now. Log unsuccessful generations and controll all process.

A simple example:


Create a queue and send an item to it. Start sender process before starting consumer.

$params = array(
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'port' => 5672,
    'vhost' => '/',
    'login' => 'guest',
    'password' => 'guest'

$connection = new AMQPConnection($params);
$channel = new AMQPChannel($connection);

$exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);

$queue = new AMQPQueue($channel);
// ability to autodelete a queue after script is finished,
// AMQP_DURABLE says you cannot create two queues with same name
$queue->bind($exchange->getName(), '');

$result = $exchange->publish(json_encode("Invoice_ID"), '');

if ($result)
    echo 'sent'.PHP_EOL;
    echo 'error'.PHP_EOL;
# after sending an item close the connection


Worker must connect to RabbitMQ, read the queue, make the job, and set the result:

$params = array(
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'port' => 5672,
    'vhost' => '/',
    'login' => 'guest',
    'password' => 'guest'

$connection = new AMQPConnection();

$channel = new AMQPChannel($connection);

$exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);

$queue = new AMQPQueue($channel);
// ability to autodelete a queue after script is finished,
// AMQP_DURABLE says you cannot create two queues with same name
$queue->bind($exchange->getName(), '');

while (true) {
    if ($envelope = $queue->get()) {
        $message = json_decode($envelope->getBody());
        echo "delivery tag: ".$envelope->getDeliveryTag().PHP_EOL;
        if (doWork($message)) {
        } else {
            // not successful result, we need to redo this job
            $queue->nack($envelope->getDelivaryTag(), AMQP_REQUEUE); 

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Mikhail Kulygin Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Mikhail Kulygin

I think you should leverage the benefit of a background task runner. When user clicks on the button then do a one ajax call to backend system to tell that to add new task(multiple task in your case) into your task queue.

yes, you should maintain a task queue for this.This could be a database table which has attributes like task_type,task_data,task_status,task_dependency.

Since you have multiple tasks you could add them as 2 main task

  • Create all invoices
  • Generate PDF report(add above task ID as a dependency of this task)

There there should be a worker process to see your task queue and execute them.This process will look for task queue table for a fix time interval(every 1min) then if there are tasks which has the status (0-pending) without other task as dependency which is not yet executed then it will execute them.Task runner will continue this until no task to be executed.

From front-end you could do an Ajax long polling to check weather your pdf generating task status(1-completed).If it is then you can notify user.

For this you can develop your simple task runner(may be from Go,Nodejs) or else you could use available task runners

  • https://robo.li/
  • https://laravel.com/docs/5.6/envoy
  • https://gulpjs.com/
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Nuwan Attanayake Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Nuwan Attanayake

Most of the background tasks are done by using Cron Jobs. Cron executes in background and run whatever the code is. These can be scheduled to run any time on server side. In your case, you can set it twice per month using following expression:

0 0 1,15 * *  ---Command here---

If not aware of scheduling cron jobs, then this might help.

Now come to point, notifying user after finishing job. You need to store information like start_time, end_time, status in a database table for each cron. In start of cron, status of cron remain 0 and on finish it should change to 1.

User can be notified by using this information from database at any time.

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Lovepreet Singh Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Lovepreet Singh