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How to define modal controllers in their own file?

My Angular application has a number of modals, and I have AngularUI to provide the modal directive.


So far I have several main controllers, and these are all in the app.js file as routes.

$routeProvider.when '/dashboard',         templateUrl: '/templates/dashboard/dashboard.html', controller: 'DashboardController'
$routeProvider.when '/dataset/:panel_id', templateUrl: '/templates/dataset/dataset.html',   controller: 'DatasetController'
$routeProvider.when '/batches/:panel_id', templateUrl: '/templates/design/design.html',     controller: 'PanelController'  

This works fine.

Then I created a function which calls a modal, and the modal has an instance controller of ConfigureModalCtrl. I initially had this at the bottom of the calling controller file, and it worked OK.

$scope.invokeConfigureModal = (assay_id) ->
   $scope.assay_id = assay_id
   $scope.primer3 = $scope.getPrimer(assay_id)
   modalInstance = $modal.open(
     templateUrl: '/templates/configure_modal/configure_modal.html'
     controller: ConfigureModalCtrl
     windowClass: 'configure-dialog'
           primer3: ->
   modalInstance.result.then ((primer3) ->
      $scope.primer3 = primer3
     ), ->

Now I have moved the modal instance controller into it's own file, but the calling function cannot find it.

angular.module('assaypipelineApp').controller "ConfigureModalCtrl", ($scope,  $modalInstance, primer3) ->
  $scope.primer3 = primer3['data']
  $scope.ok = ->  
    $modalInstance.close $scope.primer3
  $scope.cancel = ->
    $modalInstance.dismiss "cancel"
  serverErrorHandler = ->
    alert("There was a server error, please reload the page and try again.")

Error message

Error: Unknown provider: ConfigureModalCtrlProvider <- ConfigureModalCtrl

Similar question but does not resolve my problem. How to create separate AngularJS controller files?

So how can I resolve this problem, and why does this not occur for the other (non-modal instance) controllers? Is it because they are named in the routes?

Any recommendations on coding style are welcome also ... thanks for reading this.

like image 757
port5432 Avatar asked Feb 17 '14 22:02


1 Answers

Try putting the controller as a string -- I had a similar issue.

controller: 'ConfigureModalCtrl'
like image 186
Cory Silva Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 12:11

Cory Silva