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How to define custom equality in case classes



I have a case class Foo defined below. I want to override the behavior of == in that, so that the last element (optBar) is ignored in the comparison. Here is what I have tried and it seems to work.

case class Bar(i:Int)
case class Foo(i:Int, s:String, optBar:Option[Bar]) {
    override def equals(o:Any) = o match {
        case Foo(`i`, `s`, _) => true
        case _ => false
    override def hashCode = i.hashCode*997  ^ s.hashCode * 991
val b = Bar(1)
val f1 = Foo(1, "hi", Some(b))
val f2 = Foo(1, "hi", None)
f1 == f2 // true

What I want to know is if the method of creating hashCode is correct. I got it from this link.

like image 704
Jus12 Avatar asked Aug 10 '15 08:08


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IEquatable<T> interface by providing a type-specific Equals method. This is where the actual equivalence comparison is performed. For example, you might decide to define equality by comparing only one or two fields in your type.

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2 Answers

Your hashCode definition is correct as in that it complies with the equals/hashCode contract. But I think

override def hashCode = (i, s).##

is nicer to read.

To clarify what this does: ## is just a convenience method on scala.Any that calls hashCode, but properly deals with null and some corner cases related to primitives.

val x: String = null
x.## // works fine. returns 0
x.hashCode // throws NullPointerException

So (i, s).## creates a tuple of i and s (which has a well-defined hashCode method) and then returns its hash code. So you don't have to manually write a hash code method involving MurmurHash etc. By the way: this will also properly work if one of the elements of the tuple is null, whereas a hand-written hash method like the one in the question might throw a NPE.

However, in my experience if you want to modify any of the things that a case class provides for you, you don't really want a case class. Also, overriding equality to not take into account some of the data might seem a clever idea at some point, but it can lead to some very confusing behavior.

like image 164
Rüdiger Klaehn Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09

Rüdiger Klaehn

You can also remove the optBar from the case class definition and create a constructor with the three parameters. To avoid having to use the new keyword when you want to use that constructor you can create a companion object.

case class Bar(i:Int)
case class Foo(i:Int, s:String) {
  var optBar: Option[Bar] = None

  def this(i:Int, s:String, optBar:Option[Bar]) {
    this(i, s)
    this.optBar = optBar
object Foo {
  def apply(i:Int, s:String, optBar:Option[Bar]) =
    new Foo(i, s, optBar)

val b = Bar(1)
val f1 = Foo(1, "hi", Some(b))
val f2 = Foo(1, "hi", None)
f1 == f2 // true
like image 20
Helder Pereira Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09

Helder Pereira