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How to define a recursive type?




I want to have a list. An entry in the list would store a value as well as an iterator to another entry in the list. How do I define this type? It'd be something like this, but syntactically correct.

typedef list<pair<int, MyList::const_iterator>> MyList;
like image 834
delingren Avatar asked Aug 29 '14 07:08


People also ask

Can datatype definitions be recursive?

Any datatype, the definition of which somehow involves a reference to itself, is considered a recursive datatype. Most commonly, however, (in C, at least) such references to itelf are pointers to elements of the same type. You have already seen the most common example of recursive types: linked lists.

What is recursive example?

A classic example of recursion The classic example of recursive programming involves computing factorials. The factorial of a number is computed as that number times all of the numbers below it up to and including 1. For example, factorial(5) is the same as 5*4*3*2*1 , and factorial(3) is 3*2*1 .

Is list a recursive type?

Chapter: Recursive Data Types What is a list? Click here for the answer: That's a recursive definition. A list is defined either by a base case empty or by a recursive case.

2 Answers

Let's turn the problem inside-out with a sprinkle of user-defined types to break the declarations' recursion :

struct Node {
    int _value;
    std::list<Node>::const_iterator _next;

If you want to use a typedef, well you can :

struct Node;
typedef std::list<Node> NodeList;

struct Node {
    int _value;
    NodeList::const_iterator _next;

Edit: As T.C. reminded me, instantiating standard containers with incomplete types may be Undefined Behaviour (some standard library implementations do guarantee it's not). So, let's postpone all of it to a later point.

Edit: Well that doesn't help either. So, verify that your std::list implementation supports incomplete types (or trust it to do so, it often works to be honest), or use Boost::containers.

template <class = void>
struct Node_ {
    int _value;
    typename std::list<Node_>::const_iterator _next;

typedef Node_<> Node;
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Quentin Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10


Not only will iterators in a list not be invalidated by other elements being inserted or deleted, but the elements those iterators point to will also remain unchanged. Therefore we can do:

struct Element {
  int first;
  Element* second;

typedef list<Element> MyList;

This is quite similar to what you asked for, but second is a pointer rather than an iterator. If you really need it to be an iterator, we can switch out std::list<> for boost::intrusive::list<> (or a homegrown intrusive list if you can't use Boost). Then, the value_type (i.e. Element) would actually contain the prev/next pointers, and you could use that as an iterator. In Boost, that's called iterator_to(), explained here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_43_0/doc/html/intrusive/obtaining_iterators_from_values.html

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John Zwinck Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 09:10

John Zwinck