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Redirecting I/O in Xcode 4

I just installed Xcode 4 and I'm trying to redirect input from a file to my C++ program. I've tried using the usual "< infile.txt" in the "Arguments" section of my Run scheme, but that didn't work. I was able to redirect input and output in Xcode 3 just fine (by editing the arguments for the executable). Any suggestions on how to do this in the new version?



like image 709
Samer Avatar asked Mar 30 '11 17:03


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What is stdin Macos?

stdin: The standard input pipe is where a command receives input. By default, you enter input from the command-line interface. You can redirect the output from files or other commands to stdin.

How do I redirect in Mac terminal?

To redirect the output of a command to a file, type the command, specify the > or the >> operator, and then provide the path to a file you want to the output redirected to. For example, the ls command lists the files and folders in the current directory.

1 Answers

I tested with various types of Arguments and it appears that Xcode have a bug with Arguments (last test: Xcode 8).

But there is one alternative to simulate with similar effect. You must use the Environment Variables.

Add a Environment Variable with the file name you want to redirect:

enter image description here

Then in your code you must "redirect" this file to the standard input (cin):

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    ifstream arq(getenv("MYARQ"));

    string value;
    cin >> value;
    cout << value;

    return 0;

that's it... only 2 lines of code

ifstream arq(getenv("MYARQ"));

it's not the best solution, but while xcode have this problem this is the only solution !

like image 84
Farlei Heinen Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 13:11

Farlei Heinen