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How to define a List bean in Spring?




People also ask

How do I list beans in Spring boot?

In Spring Boot, you can use appContext. getBeanDefinitionNames() to get all the beans loaded by the Spring container.

Import the spring util namespace. Then you can define a list bean as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"

<util:list id="myList" value-type="java.lang.String">

The value-type is the generics type to be used, and is optional. You can also specify the list implementation class using the attribute list-class.

Here is one method:

<bean id="stage1" class="Stageclass"/>
<bean id="stage2" class="Stageclass"/>

<bean id="stages" class="java.util.ArrayList">
            <ref bean="stage1" />
            <ref bean="stage2" />                

Another option is to use JavaConfig. Assuming that all stages are already registered as spring beans you just have to:

private List<Stage> stages;

and spring will automatically inject them into this list. If you need to preserve order (upper solution doesn't do that) you can do it in that way:

public class MyConfiguration {
  private Stage1 stage1;

  private Stage2 stage2;

  public List<Stage> stages() {
    return Lists.newArrayList(stage1, stage2);

The other solution to preserve order is use a @Order annotation on beans. Then list will contain beans ordered by ascending annotation value.

public Stage stage1() {
    return new Stage1();

public Stage stage2() {
    return new Stage2();

<bean id="someBean"
    <property name="myList">
        <list value-type="com.somePackage.TypeForList">
            <ref bean="someBeanInTheList"/>
            <ref bean="someOtherBeanInTheList"/>
            <ref bean="someThirdBeanInTheList"/>

And in SomeClass:

class SomeClass {

    List<TypeForList> myList;

    public void setMyList(List<TypeForList> myList) {
        this.myList = myList;
