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How to decrypt the encrypted UID using firestore security rules? [closed]

  1. I get the uid, when users login to firebase for the first time using phone number.
  2. Then I have encrypted the uid.
  3. Then I have created a Collection as users with Document Id uid in the firestore like: users/uid.

  4. Now the users want to write into users/userId, if the condition is true like below:

  match /users/{userId} {
     allow write: if request.auth.uid == userId;

Here as I mentioned in number 2 the userId is encrypted, but the request.auth.uid is not encrypted.

So how we can decrypt it here the (userId) ?

If I use hashing sha256, so how can I decode the sha256 in client side ?

I am using crypto-js

like image 277
Muhammad Avatar asked Feb 18 '20 15:02


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Open the Firebase console and select your project. Then, from the product navigation, do one of the following: Select Realtime Database, Cloud Firestore, or Storage, as appropriate, then click Rules to navigate to the Rules editor.

What file should be used for firestore rules firestore rules?

rules // is a file used to define the security rules for your Firestore database. firestore. indexes. json // is a file used to define indexes for you Firestore queries.

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Cloud Firestore and Cloud Storage rules use a language based on the Common Expression Language (CEL), that builds on CEL with match and allow statements that support conditionally granted access.

1 Answers

According to the documentation, you can use hashed values in security rules. If you are not using one of the hashing algorithms described, then it will not work. You can read about how it works in the release notes:

New hashing and hashing-adjacent methods are:


For example, previously, if the version of an email in Firestore was hashed with SHA-256, you wouldn't be able to compare that email to the plaintext email sent with the auth object. Now you can:

hashing.sha256(request.auth.email.utf8()) == resource.data.ownerEmailHash

Alternatively, if you have a field in a document for users to store their novellas, you may want to have a shorter identifier for that very long string:

match /novellas/{hash} {
 allow write: if hash == hashing.sha256(request.resource.data.
           novella.utf8()) && resource == null

Strings are treated as UTF-8-encoded bytes, and the return value is a Bytes type:

hashing.md5("Tag".utf8()) => b"wQEFjn6iG7vypayJMIjpCw=="
like image 88
Doug Stevenson Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Doug Stevenson