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How to decorate all requests to take a value from header and add it in the body parameter?


I'm creating RESTful services using Spring MVC. Currently, I have the following structure for a controller:

@RequestMapping(path = "myEntity", produces="application/json; charset=UTF-8")
public class MyEntityController {

    @RequestMapping(path={ "", "/"} , method=RequestMethod.POST)
    public ResponseEntity<MyEntity> createMyEntity(
        @RequestBody MyEntity myEntity,
        @RequestHeader("X-Client-Name") String clientName) {
        //rest of method declaration...

    @RequestMapping(path={ "/{id}"} , method=RequestMethod.PUT)
    public ResponseEntity<MyEntity> updateMyEntity(
        @PathVariable Long id,
        @RequestBody MyEntity myEntity,
        @RequestHeader("X-Client-Name") String clientName) {
        //rest of method declaration...

    @RequestMapping(path={ "/{id}"} , method=RequestMethod.PATCH)
    public ResponseEntity<MyEntity> partialUpdateMyEntity(
        @PathVariable Long id,
        @RequestBody MyEntity myEntity,
        @RequestHeader("X-Client-Name") String clientName) {
        //rest of method declaration...

As you can see, all these three methods receive the same parameter for the header @RequestHeader("X-Client-Name") String clientName and applies it in the same way on each method: myEntity.setClientName(clientName). I will create similar controllers and for POST, PUT and PATCH operations will contain almost the same code but for other entities. Currently, most entities are designed to support this field vía a super class:

public class Entity {
    protected String clientName;
    //getters and setters ...
public class MyEntity extends Entity {

Also, I use an interceptor to verify that the header is set for requests.


How can I avoid repeating the same code through controller classes and methods? Is there a clean way to achieve it? Or should I declare the variable and repeat those lines everywhere?

This question was also asked in the Spanish community. Here's the link.

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Luiggi Mendoza Avatar asked Mar 29 '16 21:03

Luiggi Mendoza

People also ask

How do I pass a header in REST API?

You can pass duplicate headers as well and there will not be any overwritten of values. For example, If we pass two values of header1 as value1 and value2 then it will be merged and will be passed as header1=value1 and header1=value2. It is the default behaviour.

How do I add a header to my HTTP request?

To add custom headers to an HTTP request object, use the AddHeader() method. You can use this method multiple times to add multiple headers. For example: oRequest = RequestBuilder:Build('GET', oURI) :AddHeader('MyCustomHeaderName','MyCustomHeaderValue') :AddHeader('MySecondHeader','MySecondHeaderValue') :Request.

What are header parameters?

Header parameters are used for user-defined custom HTTP headers for a request, for example, the APIKey could be a HTTP Header parameter.

1 Answers

My suggestion is to store the header value in the request scoped bean inside the Spring interceptor or filter. Then you may autowire this bean wherever you want - service or controller and use the stored client name value.

Code example:

public class ClientRequestInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter {

    private Entity clientEntity;

    public ClientRequestInterceptor(Entity clientEntity) {
        this.clientEntity = clientEntity;

    public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception {
        String clientName = request.getHeader("X-Client-Name");
        return true;

In your configuration file:

public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {

    public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {

    @Scope(value = "request", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
    public Entity clientEntity() {
        return new Entity();

    public ClientRequestInterceptor clientRequestInterceptor() {
        return new ClientRequestInterceptor(clientEntity());


Then, lets assume we have to use this bean in our controller:

@RequestMapping(path = "myEntity", produces="application/json; charset=UTF-8")
public class MyEntityController {

    private Entity clientEntity; // here you have the filled bean

    @RequestMapping(path={ "", "/"} , method=RequestMethod.POST)
    public ResponseEntity<MyEntity> createMyEntity(@RequestBody MyEntity myEntity) {
        //rest of method declaration...
    // rest of your class methods, without @RequestHeader parameters


I have not compiled this code, so correct me if I made some mistakes.

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Thomas Weglinski Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Thomas Weglinski