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How to declare a generic constraint that is a generic type

I have a two generic abstract types: Entity and Association.

Let's say Entity looks like this:

public class Entity<TId>

and Association looks like this:

public class Association<TEntity, TEntity2>

How do I constrain Association so they can be of any Entity?

I can accomplish it by the following:

public class Association<TEntity, TId, TEntity2, TId2>
     where TEntity : Entity<TId>
     where TEntity2: Entity<TId2>

This gets very tedious as more types derive from Association, because I have to keep passing down TId and TId2. Is there a simpler way to do this, besides just removing the constraint?

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moribvndvs Avatar asked Apr 20 '10 18:04


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1 Answers

This problem is usually solved by having your generic class (Entity<TId>, in this case) inherit from a common non-generic class.

public abstract class EntityBase


public class Entity<TId> : EntityBase


This will allow you to do:

public class Association<TEntity, TEntity2>
    where TEntity : EntityBase
    where TEntity2 : EntityBase



If having them inherit from a common class is an issue, then this could be easily done with an interface as well.

like image 174
Adam Robinson Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 22:11

Adam Robinson