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How To: debug Scala code when outside of an IDE


I'm experimenting with using jEdit as my main editor for writing Scala code.

Along side jEdit I'm using Apache Buildr and DTerm. This all works well, except I'm really not sure how I would go about debugging Scala application outside of a large IDE?

Are there recommended practices/tools for debugging outside of an IDE?

like image 298
BefittingTheorem Avatar asked Feb 16 '10 12:02


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Here is the full process from the command line: evan@vbox ~> cat test. scala object test{ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println("Hello!") } evan@vbox ~> scalac test. scala evan@vbox ~> scala test Hello!

1 Answers

Rather than using a debugger, you could run the interpreter (aka REPL) from a point in your application. You can find detailed instructions here

like image 76
retronym Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 01:10
