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Preferred Python twitter API? [closed]


I found at http://dev.twitter.com/pages/libraries#python that there are several Twitter APIs for Python.

I've been using python-twitter for a while but never needed the API Search. Now I need to do a job that includes Twitter searches and I see they are not supported by this lib.

I wonder know which of the listed ones is the appropriated for this task.


Note: I used python-twitter 0.6 - svn trunk seems to include searches.

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Juanjo Conti Avatar asked Feb 23 '10 22:02

Juanjo Conti

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The Twitter API lets you “Programmatically analyze, learn from, and engage with conversation on Twitter”. In this tutorial, we'll cover how you can use the Twitter API in Python to access data for your own analysis. Note: If you're looking to get data from Twitter API v2 check out our new tutorial.

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2 Answers

Twython has proven good for a current project of mine. It seems to be the most up-to-date with the Twitter API.

If you need streaming API support I would recommend Tweepy.

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Corey D Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 17:12

Corey D

I have been using Python Twitter Tools and like it a lot. It still won't handle your search filtering for you, but you would have to do that anyways.

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Casey Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 15:12
