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How to debug on a property's set in Visual studio 2010? [duplicate]

Let's say I have this property

public ISetting Setting { get; set; }

How can I get breakpoint at the set? So that the program will pause when something is setting a value.

I try to make it this way

public IDatabaseConnectionSetting ConnectionSetting { 

And put the breakpoint on the set; line, but still it doesn't work. The red breakpoint highlighter highlights the whole property declaration

like image 729
Louis Rhys Avatar asked Aug 25 '11 02:08

Louis Rhys

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2 Answers

There's a better solution here: Can't set breakpoints on an auto-property setter ? Why?

Using Visual Studio 2008, 2010, 2012:

  1. Go to the Breakpoint window

  2. New->Break at Function…

  3. For the get, type: ClassName.get_CurrentFramesize()

    For the set, type: ClassName.set_CurrentFramesize(int)

You'll get a "No Source Available" when the breakpoint is hit, but you'll get the calling >location in the call stack.

I found this solution here: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/vsdebug/thread/b1dd0dc3-e9c1-402a-9c79-a5abf7f7286a

See also: Debugging automatic properties

like image 196
Bochu Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09


Use a full property rather than autoproperty.

The shortcut is propfull

private ISetting setting;

public ISetting Setting 
        return setting; 
        setting = value; 

To use the code-snippet shortcut, type propfull and then press TAB twice.

like image 20
Kirk Broadhurst Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09

Kirk Broadhurst