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How to debug npm install execution




What´s the recommended way of debugging an npm install operation?

I have an exception being throw (similar to https://github.com/hyperform/hyperform/issues/63 or https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/17858) and would like to know how to debug the source code of it.

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Luiz Henrique Martins Lins Rol Avatar asked Nov 19 '17 08:11

Luiz Henrique Martins Lins Rol

1 Answers

From NPM's wiki:
"If you are having trouble with npm install, use the --verbose option to have more details."

(Not to be confused with npm_debug=1 flag, which is only valid for debugging the process of installing NPM itself).

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Dmitry Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
