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difference between flash, connect-flash and express-flash

I'm still kinda confused on what exactly is the difference between flash, connect-flash and express-flash.


  • flashnpm install flash

  • express-flash : npm install express-flash

  • connect-flash :npm install connect-flash



app.use(session()); // session middleware 

app.use(function (req, res) {
  // flash a message 
  req.flash('info', 'hello!');


var flash = require('connect-flash');
var app = express();

app.configure(function() {
  app.use(express.cookieParser('keyboard cat'));
  app.use(express.session({ cookie: { maxAge: 60000 }}));

express-flash It even request that the usage should set up the same way you would connect-flash:

var flash = require('express-flash'),
    express = require('express'),
    app = express();

  app.use(express.cookieParser('keyboard cat'));
  app.use(express.session({ cookie: { maxAge: 60000 }}));

Can someone please explain?

like image 707
antzshrek Avatar asked Nov 08 '17 10:11


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What is flash connect?

Connect-flash module for Node. js allows the developers to send a message whenever a user is redirecting to a specified web-page. For example, whenever, a user successfully logged in to his/her account, a message is flashed(displayed) indicating his/her success in the authentication.

What is Express flash used for?

Flash is an extension of connect-flash with the ability to define a flash message and render it without redirecting the request.

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1 Answers

There really is no drastic difference between the three packages. They all accomplish the same thing in their own way. The difference between the three are:

  1. flash is written by the Express team, making it an official middleware for Express.
  2. connect-flash as stated from the README:

This middleware was extracted from Express 2.x

So in a sense this is similar to flash except a legacy version of it from Express 2.x days. However, the name suggests it was meant for the Connect framework, but usually any connect-* packages work fine with Express.

  1. express-flash is just a wrapper around connect-flash. You can see that in the source code here.

Out of all three, connect-flash seems to be the most used judging from npm stats.

like image 152
Francisco Mateo Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 17:10

Francisco Mateo