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How to debug gulpfile.js

What is the proper way to execute node-inspector in order to be able to debug gulpfile.js?

I've tried following (code in my gulpfile requires harmony and harmony-arrow-functions switches):

node-debug --nodejs --harmony --nodejs --harmony-arrow-functions /home/user/.npm-packages/bin/gulp default

Node inspector was properly loaded however it was not possible to set breakpoint in gulpfile neither before nor after the file was loaded. It was also not possible to set breakpoints in gulp/index.js and orchestrator/index.js files. And it was not possible to "step into" following statement (whole source):

gulpInst.start.apply(gulpInst, toRun);
  • Fedora 21 x64
  • Node Inspector v0.9.2
  • node v0.12.0
  • gulp
    • CLI version 3.8.11
    • Local version 3.8.11
like image 964
czerny Avatar asked Mar 23 '15 01:03


People also ask

How do you debug a gulp test?

Put a debugger in where you want it to stop. Then run gulp test to get the browser open. Open Chrome Dev Tool. Run again, it should stop at the debugger.

How do I run Gulpfile in Visual Studio?

Run a Gulp Task in Visual Studio CodeType "Run Task" and select it, which will bring up a list of tasks configured in Gulp. Choose the Gulp Task you want to run! Most of your Gulp Tasks will probably be automated using gulp watch, but manual Gulp Tasks can easily be run within Visual Studio Code.

1 Answers

It looks like you're missing pointing to your actual gulpfile.js. Try something like this:

node-debug /path/to/your/gulp/install/gulp.js --harmony --harmony-arrow-functions --gulpfile /path/to/your/gulpfile/gulpfile.js default

I use this and it works.

like image 60
lostdorje Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
