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How to debug a bash script and get execution time per command




I have a bash script which takes nearly 5 seconds to run. I'd like to debug it, and determine which commands are taking the longest. What is the best way of doing this? Is there a flag I can set? Setting #!/bin/bash -vx does not really help. What I want is basically execution time by line number.

like image 687
Justin Avatar asked Aug 04 '13 04:08


People also ask

How do you debug a bash script?

The debugging options available in the Bash shell can be switched on and off in multiple ways. Within scripts, we can either use the set command or add an option to the shebang line. However, another approach is to explicitly specify the debugging options in the command-line while executing the script.

How does bash calculate execution time?

The most common way to measure elapsed time in bash is to utilize the date command, which can show the current system date and time in a configurable format. Using the flexiblity of date 's display format, you can easily calculate elapsed time with different resolutions.

How do I run a .sh script in debug mode?

The most common is to start up the subshell with the -x option, which will run the entire script in debug mode. Traces of each command plus its arguments are printed to standard output after the commands have been expanded but before they are executed. This is the commented-script1.sh script ran in debug mode.

2 Answers

This is as close as possible answer with built-in bash debug facility since it gives overall timing info from the script execution start time.

At the top of the script add this for a second count:

export PS4='+[${SECONDS}s][${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}]: ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'; set -x;

Same but with milliseconds instead:

N=`date +%s%N`; export PS4='+[$(((`date +%s%N`-$N)/1000000))ms][${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}]: ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'; set -x;

The last example can go to microsecond precision, just keep in mind you are using bash :).

Exampe script:

N=`date +%s%N`
export PS4='+[$(((`date +%s%N`-$N)/1000000))ms][${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}]: ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'; set -x;
sleep 1

Example debug output:

+[3ms][/root/db_test.sh:5]: sleep 1
+[1012ms][/usr/local/bin/graphite_as_rand_stat.sh:6]: exit

Keep in mind that you can selectively debug a specific portion of the script by enclosing it in 'set -x' at the debug start and 'debug +x' at the debug end. The timing data will still show correctly counted from execution start.


For sake of completeness, if you do need the differential timing data you can redirect the debug info to a file and process it afterwards.

Given this example script:

N=`date +%s%N`
export PS4='+[$(((`date +%s%N`-$N)/1000000))ms][${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}]: ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'; set -x;
sleep 1
for ((i=0;i<2;i++)); do
        echo $o
        sleep 0.$o

Run it while redirecting debug to a file:

./example.sh 2>example.dbg

And output the differential debug timing with this (covers multi-line):

p=0; cat example.dbg | while read l; do [[ ! ${l%%[*} =~ ^\+ ]] && echo $l && continue; i=`echo $l | sed 's#[^0-9]*\([0-9]\+\).*#\1#'`; echo $l | sed "s#${i}ms#${i}ms+$(($i-$p))ms#"; p=$i; done

The output:

+[2ms+2ms][./example.sh:5]: sleep 1
+[1006ms+1004ms][./example.sh:6]: (( i=0 ))
+[1009ms+3ms][./example.sh:6]: (( i<2 ))
+[1011ms+2ms][./example.sh:7]: o=19258
+[1014ms+3ms][./example.sh:8]: echo 19258
+[1016ms+2ms][./example.sh:9]: sleep 0.19258
+[1213ms+197ms][./example.sh:6]: (( i++ ))
+[1217ms+4ms][./example.sh:6]: (( i<2 ))
+[1220ms+3ms][./example.sh:7]: o=176
+[1226ms+6ms][./example.sh:8]: echo 176
+[1229ms+3ms][./example.sh:9]: sleep 0.176
+[1442ms+213ms][./example.sh:6]: (( i++ ))
+[1460ms+18ms][./example.sh:6]: (( i<2 ))
+[1502ms+42ms][./example.sh:11]: exit
like image 111
Shoko Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09


You can use the time utility to measure the run time of your individual commands/functions.

For example:

[ben@imac ~]$ cat times.sh

test_func ()
    sleep 1
    echo "test"

echo "Running test_func()"
time test_func
echo "Running a 5 second external command"
time sleep 5

Running that script results in something like the following:

[ben@imac ~]$ ./times.sh
Running test_func()

real    0m1.003s
user    0m0.001s
sys     0m0.001s
Running a 5 second external command

real    0m5.002s
user    0m0.001s
sys     0m0.001s
like image 45
Ben Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09
