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How to debounce or throttle Intersection Observer?

I am using the Intersection Observer API and I was wondering:

How can I debounce or throttle the Intersection Observer API?

If I want to increase the performance, do you recommend to use a debounce or throttle function?

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Alfrex92 Avatar asked Oct 01 '18 03:10


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1 Answers

Observer in general (not only intersection observer, but also mutation observer, ...) are all handled by the browser. Meaning the browser decides when the Observer should be executed.

That's why you only define thresholds and depending on the load, they are more or less accurate. For example, when you define a threshold for 20% on the Intersection Observer, it may be executed at 20.6%. That's because the browser debounces (delay might be the better word here) the function automatically and only executes it once it has enough resources to execute it.

This is also true for all other observers.

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cloned Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09
