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How to customize "Overview" page in JavaDoc?




I'd like the "Overview" page of my library's javadoc to essentially be a user/API guide for the entire JAR. I know that adding a package-info.java class to a package allows you to write package-level javadocs, but what about at the jar-level?

I know I could put a README.md in my project's root, but I like to think of README's as a doc for library developers (that is, people who will be maintaining the library). But the JavaDocs are API guides for people who will be using the library.

like image 904
smeeb Avatar asked Sep 20 '14 10:09


1 Answers

When you are using Maven and its plugin for JavaDoc:

Put a file named overview.html into folder src/main/javadoc and run the command mvn javadoc:javadoc; the JavaDoc files are written into folder target/site/apidocs.

This is also possible when you want to generate JavaDoc files for the Unit Tests: Put a file named overview.html into folder src/test/javadoc and run the command mvn javadoc:test-javadoc; the JavaDoc files are written into folder target/site/testapidocs.

like image 181
user1364368 Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10
