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How to create unboxed mutable array instance

let's say I've got the following type :

data MyType = Constructor0 | Constructor1 | Constructor2
            deriving (Eq,Show,Enum)

Is there a way to create one of such instances :

MArray (STUArray s) MyType (ST s)
MArray IOUarray MyType IO

For the moment I store everything as Word8 and I make conversion with (wrapped) fromEnum/toEnum, but it doesn't feel right. I need strictness and unboxing because I'm using a large data structure (>1.2Go) in memory, and I can't load it lazily. If I don't find any solution I'm going to re-implement everything in C++, which I prefer to avoid for my current project.

I've asked the question on #haskell but I didn't get a response, maybe it was not the good time of the day to ask.

like image 707
Raoul Supercopter Avatar asked Jun 10 '09 17:06

Raoul Supercopter

2 Answers

The simplest implementation I could think of: just wrap STUArray/IOUArray operations with fromEnum/toEnum.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

module UnpackedEnumArray (STUEArray, IOUEArray) where

import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array.Base
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Array.ST

data STUEArray s i e = STUEArray { fromSTUEArray :: STUArray s i Int }
instance (Enum e) => MArray (STUEArray s) e (ST s) where
    getBounds = getBounds . fromSTUEArray
    getNumElements = getNumElements . fromSTUEArray
    newArray is = fmap STUEArray . newArray is . fromEnum
    newArray_ = fmap STUEArray . newArray_
    unsafeRead (STUEArray a) = fmap toEnum . unsafeRead a
    unsafeWrite (STUEArray a) i = unsafeWrite a i . fromEnum

data IOUEArray i e = IOUEArray { fromIOUEArray :: IOUArray i Int }
instance (Enum e) => MArray IOUEArray e IO where
    getBounds = getBounds . fromIOUEArray
    getNumElements = getNumElements . fromIOUEArray
    newArray is = fmap IOUEArray . newArray is . fromEnum
    newArray_ = fmap IOUEArray . newArray_
    unsafeRead (IOUEArray a) = fmap toEnum . unsafeRead a
    unsafeWrite (IOUEArray a) i = unsafeWrite a i . fromEnum

Now you can

import UnpackedEnumArray
main = do
    a <- newArray (0,9) Constructor0 :: IO (IOUEArray Int MyType)
    getAssocs a >>= print

Likewise, IArray instances could be trivially written as well.

like image 127
ephemient Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09


Making an instance for MArray IOUarray MyType IO should be possible. Take a look at the source for the instance declaration for MArray IOUarray Bool IO.

Since Bool is an instance of both Enum and Bounded (and not much else) they probably use functions from those classes when making the instance.

You might have to derive Bounded but that is probably not an issue since unboxed arrays can contain fixed size elements only.


In this article one can read

You can even implement unboxed arrays yourself for other simple types, including enumerations.

like image 33
Jonas Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
