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How to Create the Power Set (Combinations) of the Infinite Set in F# using Sequences?

Here is my failed attempt at the problem any help would be appreciated.

I tried to come up with the best algo for the power set that worked on eager lists. This part seems to be working fine. The part I'm having trouble with is translating it to work with Sequences so it can run it on streaming\infinite lists. I really don't like the yield syntax maybe because I don't understand it well but I would rather have it without using the yield syntax as well.

//All Combinations of items in a list
//i.e. the Powerset given each item is unique
//Note: lists are eager so can't be used for infinite
let listCombinations xs =
    List.fold (fun acc x ->
        List.collect (fun ys -> ys::[x::ys]) acc) [[]] xs

//This works fine (Still interested if it could be faster)
listCombinations [1;2;3;4;5] |> Seq.iter (fun x -> printfn "%A" x)

//All Combinations of items in a sequence
//i.e. the Powerset given each item is unique
//Note: Not working
let seqCombinations xs =
    Seq.fold (fun acc x ->
        Seq.collect (fun ys -> 
            seq { yield ys
                  yield seq { yield x
                              yield! ys} }) acc) Seq.empty xs

//All Combinations of items in a sequence
//i.e. the Powerset given each item is unique
//Note: Not working (even wrong type signature)
let seqCombinations2 xs =
    Seq.fold (fun acc x ->
        Seq.collect (fun ys ->
            Seq.append ys (Seq.append x ys)) acc) Seq.empty xs

//Sequences to test on
let infiniteSequence = Seq.initInfinite (fun i -> i + 1)
let finiteSequence = Seq.take 5 infiniteSequence

//This should work easy since its in a finite sequence
//But it does not, so their must be a bug in 'seqCombinations' above
for xs in seqCombinations finiteSequence do
    for y in xs do
        printfn "%A" y

//This one is much more difficult to get to work
//since its the powerset on the infinate sequence
//None the less If someone could help me find a way to make this work
//This is my ultimate goal
let firstFew = Seq.take 20 (seqCombinations infiniteSequence)
for xs in firstFew do
    for y in xs do
        printfn "%A" y
like image 987
Aaron Stainback Avatar asked Dec 28 '22 08:12

Aaron Stainback

1 Answers

Your seqCombinations is almost correct, but you didn't translate it from lists to sequences properly. The equivalent of [[]] is not Seq.empty, but Seq.singleton Seq.empty:

let seqCombinations xs =
    Seq.fold (fun acc x ->
        Seq.collect (fun ys -> 
            seq { yield ys
                  yield seq { yield x
                              yield! ys} }) acc) (Seq.singleton Seq.empty) xs

The code above works for finite sequences. But for infinite ones, it doesn't work, because it first tries to reach the end, which it obviously never does for infinite sequences.

If you want a function that will work with infinite sequences I managed to figure out two ways, but neither of them is particularly nice. One of them uses mutable state:

let seqCombinations xs =
    let combs = ref [[]]
    seq {
        yield! !combs
        for x in xs do
            let added = List.map (fun ys -> x::ys) !combs
            yield! added
            combs := !combs @ added

The other is too much about dealing with details of seq<T>:

open System.Collections.Generic

let seqCombinations (xs : seq<_>) =
    let rec combs acc (e : IEnumerator<_>) =
        seq {
            if (e.MoveNext()) then
                let added = List.map (fun ys -> (e.Current)::ys) acc
                yield! added
                yield! combs (acc @ added) e }

    use enumerator = xs.GetEnumerator()
    seq {
        yield []
        yield! combs [[]] enumerator

I think this would be much easier if you could treat infinite sequences as head and tail, like finite lists in F# or any sequence in Haskell. But it's certainly possible there is a nice way to express this in F#, and I just didn't find it.

like image 149
svick Avatar answered May 09 '23 02:05
