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How to create the model class for the following JSON data and parse it?

My JSON data

 "addon_items" : [
                      "aname" : "",
                      "id" : "2588",
                      "name" : "Plain Nan",
                      "order" : "1",
                      "aid" : "259",
                      "Sub_Add_Items" : "",
                      "icon" : "",
                      "status" : "1",
                      "next" : "0",
                      "price" : "0.60"
                      "aname" : "",
                      "id" : "2589",
                      "name" : "Pitta Bread",
                      "order" : "2",
                      "aid" : "259",
                      "Sub_Add_Items" : "",
                      "icon" : "",
                      "status" : "1",
                      "next" : "0",
                      "price" : "0.00"


 "addon" : {
             "description" : "Please choose your Nan bread",
             "aname" : "",
             "id" : "259",
             "icon" : "",
             "limit" : "1",
             "special_addon" : "",
             "next" : "165"

I created three class models named AddOnResponse, AddOn, AddOnItems like this:

AddOnResponse class model

class AddOnResponse {

var addon: Array<String>?
var addonitems: Array<AnyObject>?

init(addon:Array<String>?,addonitems: Array<AnyObject>?){
    self.addon = addon
    self.addonitems = addonitems

AddOn class model

class AddOn {

var id: Int?
var icon: String?
var desc: String?
var limit: Int?
var next: Int?
var aname: String?
var specialaddon: Int?

init(id: Int?,icon: String?,desc: String?,limit: Int?,next: Int?,aname: String?,specialaddon: Int?){

    self.id = id
    self.icon = icon
    self.desc = desc
    self.limit = limit
    self.next = next
    self.aname = aname
    self.specialaddon = specialaddon


AddOnItems class model

class AddOnItems {

var id: Int?
var aid: Int?
var name: String?
var price: Int?
var order: Int?
var status: Int?
var next: Int?
var aname: String?
var subaddItems: Int?
var icon: String?

init(id: Int?,aid: Int?,name: String?,price: Int?,order: Int?,status: Int?,next: Int?,aname: String?,subaddItems: Int?,icon: String?){
    self.id = id
    self.aid = aid
    self.name = name
    self.price = price
    self.order = order
    self.status = status
    self.next = next
    self.aname = aname
    self.subaddItems = subaddItems
    self.icon = icon

Now I am fetching my JSON data using Alamofire but when accepting dat into class model using object I am getting nil value.

    var addonResponses = [AddOnResponse]()

    Alamofire.request(.GET, myAddOnUrl)
        {   response in
            switch response.result
            case .Success:
                if let value = response.result.value{
                    let json = JSON(value)

           for(_,content) in json{
               let addOnRes = AddOnResponse(addon:content["addon"].arrayValue,


The addon and addonitems data are coming nil, why?

like image 530
PRADIP KUMAR Avatar asked Jul 27 '16 11:07


People also ask

How do you create a model class from a JSON response?

Copy the JSON API response for which you want to create model classes and place the cursor on the class file where the generated model classes will be kept. Click on Edit -> Paste Special -> Paste JSON as Classes. I have used Covid 19 India API and Visual Studio has generated Model Classes for me easily.

What is a model in JSON?

The metadata file (or model. json) in a Common Data Model folder describes the data in the folder, metadata and location, as well as how the file was generated and by which data producer. The model file enables: Discoverability based on data-producer metadata.

What does JSON() do?

It is a text-based way of representing JavaScript object literals, arrays, and scalar data. JSON is relatively easy to read and write, while also easy for software to parse and generate. It is often used for serializing structured data and exchanging it over a network, typically between a server and web applications.

2 Answers

After going through your JSON response, what I see is that you are getting an object which has two nodes(or properties). First- "addon_items" which has as array and for which you have created a class AddOnItems which is correct. Second- "addon": this key over here is reference to a 'Dictionary' rather than to an array.

So to store the response in your AddOnResponse object, try the following code.

Alamofire.request(.GET, myAddOnUrl).validate().reponseJSON { response in
    switch resonse.result {
    case .Success:
       if let value = response.result.value {
           let json = JSON(value)
           let responseDictionary = json.dictionaryValue as? [String: AnyObject]
           let addOnRes = AddOnResponse(addon:responseDictionary["addon"].dictionaryValue, addonitems:responseDictionary["addon_items"].arrayValue)
    case .Failure:

Also make change to your AddOnResponse class

class AddOnResponse {
    var addon: [String: AnyObject]?
    var addonitems: Array<AnyObject>?

    init(addon:[String: AnyObject]?,addonitems: Array<AnyObject>?){
        self.addon = addon
        self.addonitems = addonitems

TL;DR Your JSON response doesn't properly correspond to the model you've made in your app. Double check the "addon" key of your json response which has a dictionary object to it and NOT AN ARRAY and accordingly make your model classes.

Edit: Rectifying the mistake to point the casting error. What I would now suggest is that pass the JSON object for `add_on' key. In the AddOn class change the initialiser so that it takes a JSON object. Then initialising them using. AddOn Class Initialiser

init(json: JSON) {
    id = json["id"].intValue
    name = json["name"].stringValue
    // and so on

Similarly do the same for AddOnItems. And in the AddOnResponse initialiser iterate in a loop the JSON object for AddOnItems. Initialise it and append to the addOnItems array property. Sorry cannot write the code for it right now. Got a time constraint.

like image 56
nishantdesai Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 13:10


import Foundation
import SwiftyJSON

class UserInfo {

    var mobile : Int?
    var userid : Int?
    var email : String?
    var name : String?

    init() {


    init(json : JSON){
        mobile = json["phone_number"].intValue
        userid = json["id"].intValue
        email = json["email"].stringValue
        name = json["name"].stringValue

like image 23
Ved Rauniyar Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10

Ved Rauniyar